Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Car Wreck

Wed-Nes-Day- From my title i bet ya'll are wondering what i hit with my car. well nothing let me get a chance to even explain! It all started this morning, around 8AM right after karen left. i was trying to get 15 extra minutes of ZZZ's in since i didn't get home till 1 last night(i am a VIP for the VIP room at SAE, yea i helped making the knock to get in, the code, and helped with the logo awww to be cute its so nice) ANYWAY. it was 8 AM, nothing in the apartment stirrith, not even me. Then, a noise from outside, somewhat of a commotion. of course i was tired and rolled over ignoring it, hoping it wasn't karen since she just left, i could see her falling or something. Then i heard it, Norman started bubbling about something. Something that he would NOT shut up about. Finally it was so annoying i got up to look out and see what he was so anxious for me to look at. Yep, there it was, a car wreck right next to the Monte, glass everywhere, cops everywhere, and 2 cars plus 2 pissed of guys. They ended up having to town the one car, which was bashed in the side and the window was shattered, i never saw the front of the other car. From be observing, i mismatched my clothes and was close to being late for class, but dang so interesting watching men chew eachother out and the cop. anyway, i just got off work, i made 200$ well i made the school that much. lol. i missed american idol however so that bothers me. tata. PS mom i can be an orientation leader this summer and tell the students about it if u would like...and its a library planitarium, and lab so just rooms no dark SCARY hallways hehe.


Anonymous said...

i am glad it wasnt your car involved, i am glad no dark scary hallways, i am glad you have a good guard fish, i am glad you update often:) you and amber are the good updaters, karen and i are the bad updaters but then karen has a good excuse as she doesnt have access to a computer, i on the other hand have no excuse. ttfn

janis said...

hey tendy, if your looking for me on party poker, i have had a sex change. i am now a guy. yeah, i didnt like the way the girls looked. they make them look like tramps. anyway guys get more respect dont you think? i am using the same name i had before though. (i cut my hair into a butch style too so i could feel the part) j/k lol