Monday, April 18, 2005

Out of -eens into -wenties

Monday- Well today is my birthday and that alone is exciting. but nothing really else is exciting today so i will talk about...SATURDAY. Kendall woke me up at 8am saturday on his way bacy from veadavwoo, i settled with him wearing his pajamas, and we headed toward wheatland. Talken to mama, dropping off some $$ in exchange for some more jugs and smores, i took kendall up to Camp Grace, to see the place that i love so much. I drug him up the mountain, then back down to the cave, which i actually found on my own for a first(havnt been able to find it for a couple years) yet again though we forgot a flashlight, and once i was almost all the way in the cave Kendall goes halling out "did you hear that hissing breathing sound!?!" im like well thankyou for leaving me IN HERE!! lol, so i crawled out (i have just gotten 3 calls and had to leave this lab and run upstairs ERRR). Anyway i crawled out, called smore of down below and tried throwing him in there to check it out first, he looked at me like "u crazy?" and walked away lol. We headed back to camp, dehydrated, so i crossed my fingers hoping that the spring water was still running strong. It was:D Tuck Everlasting, now Kendall is part of living forever! We filled up about 6 milk jugs, and 4 juice jugs of it before heading back home. We also played some horseshoes, and ping pong up there it was great fun just being outside on a warm day and showing off my mountains:) We got home and papa made us a wonderful meal of sloppy joes and excellent chip dip. We then watched a marx brothers(kendall had never seen one) duck soup, the best one on the ship hehe. Anyway we headed home and i fell asleep at my apartment and didnt end up getting up till 9 the next morning, in time to go watch greek week FB and get sunburned a crisp hehe. Anyway, thats all for now, karen got me an awesome boy meets world season 2 dvd, now we get to watch that:D so far daddy, brian, and naked dave(friend from cheyenne) has called me! YAY:D Later ALL


janis said...

happy birthday tendy!! how come amber is "slide" but i am "push" LOL actually i hope it is slide for her too. love you!!!

Anonymous said...

It was great waking you up this morning and not getting glared at! Although, I am kinda thinking that's because I was hanging your present in front of your face, rather than you were just happy to see me.........

Anonymous said...

glad you had a happy birthday. sounds like alot of fun being able to play in the mountains. enjoy being twenty, time seems to fly by as you get younger.

ta ta for now,

janis said...

it was great having you guys come and surprize us :) love you!