Thursday, March 30, 2006

Maternity Outfit

Well, today i had to go to cheyenne to exchange my cell phone since for the 3rd time it broke! I got a whole new version of the phone finally, which is nice! we also stopped by Ross and got a cute maternity outfit for 24$!! Here is a picture of me in my new outfit ooh and with my birthday present a new purse from Kendall!!! oh i love it! Kendall bought 2 sets of 3 bigs for the babies which are adorable! :D well thats the update!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Yea Second Hand!

Well, this weekend Kendall and i drove down to stay the night with Amber and Greg, since Amber had told us about a twin/darling double sale(she has all the info on her page since she likes taking the time :) Anyway we had a good time playing video games, getting some meals outside of the fastfood realm and just visiting. At the sale we got a lot of good bargains on different items, and also some matching neutral clothes which are simply adorable! Overall we had a good trip however i think the best part of getting all this new stuff home and inside was how excited Kendall was to show everybody. Even though the power was out from the time we got here at 7 till about 1045, he would take anybody who came over up stairs and play with the toys for awile and be giddy by candlelight or a small flashlight. I wish the power would have been on so i couldve taken a picture! However with the power out we all made fun with this time, we blew out all the candles and us girls played hide and seek as the boys hid eachother in outrageous places and the other boys scared us!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Spring Break

Well, i have really enjoyed my spring break at home, with plenty of time to be lazy and a lot of time to spend with my parents, it has been a good time. Other than me starting to show a lot more since ive been here! hehe. Yesterday mama and i went shopping together and it was a lot of fun, i always seem to be an influence on her by helping her pick out a new pair of shoes each time we do go shopping, nothing wrong with a full closet of shoes! She bought me a haircut which my hair was desperate for, it had been since Aug. and since im on prenatal vitamins, it has started growing like crazy! We ended up only going to a few stores, Target, Kmart, Walgreens and just browsing the mall and stores in there, but i did find a good gift for Kendall, and the other gift went halvsies with for him with mom. I would spill what they are but my luck this will be the day he decides to read my blog! hehe.

Friday, March 10, 2006


I am going to suprise everybody and update my blog twice within one week, i hope the gasps and heartstoppings aren't permanent because i wouldn't want to harm any of my friends and families health! hehe ANYWAY my doctors appointment went great, even greater because i didn't have to get "checked down there" just listened for heartbeats and yes there still was two, one was a little faster than the other. NExt month i should be able to find out the sexes i am hoping since the appt. is the 14th i think that would be a nice early b-day present for me. Other then this news, spring break starts tomorrow after class of course, so i am going to enjoy a long week of sleeping, visiting family, and laziness. Thats all i have for you right now, except that Sudoku is a very frustrating number game and i cannot finish even one puzzle i throw it away in frustration! (oh amber greg might enjoy it, he likes puzzles) hehe.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Weekend Update

Well, Havn't updated in awile and sine Amber, Karen, and Mama havn't either i bet everybody is just waiting to see who will update first! Saturday Kendall and I drove to Nebraska to visit his mom and sister. Kendall wanted to show me the Puppet performance he did all through school at his church. Sunday night we went to that and i thought it was a pretty neat ministry and way for young kids to have fun with puppets and upbeat christian music and share the gospel. I'm still nagging him to find a tape of him doing it though too just so i can go awwwwwwww look at that! It was a lot of fun though, a pretty relaxing week, warmer there so we enjoyed a few walks around the little town he calls home. We got back Sunday night after 1130 so i was pretty tired and just headed to bed.
Wednesday I have another doctors appointment here in town, a checkup i guess to see how i am doing and how im starting to show a bit and gain weight...errrr. hehe I tell Kendall the twins are out to get me because i should be feeling better but they insist on growing so i can feel that through minor cramps from time to time and some sickness in the morning and afternoon. Mama was thinking about coming down to go to the appointment with me, just a bummer that right after i have to head to work and before i have class. Busybusy, but we should be able to scedule the next appointment which will determine the sexes. YAY! Well thats all i have for now!