Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Grade Change Request

Well, i went and checked my final grades for the semester, and for my Stats class it had a nice bold F next to it. WHAT?! i had talked to my TA even before finals and i had a B, so i would not have to take the final, and somehow an F got entered into the final grades. Great, i emailed my teacher who confirmed this is wrong and all i needed to do was get a "grade request" form and he would change it. easy enough... or not-oh if i only knew what is ahead of me now. I go and get the form on campus, to find out i need to run around and see 4 different people including my professor, two different deans, and the office of registrar, and tell why its a mistake and why i need a grade change, only problem is half these people are not HERE in the summer!! The thing that annoys me most is it isn't even my fault that the grade was entered wrong, but i still have to go all out of my way to change it, because i dont want to fail a class because of a wrong letter entered. RRRRRR.


Anonymous said...

oh that is so wrong! you shouldn't have to do that, your professor should do that since its his mistake and not yours! I hope it all works out soon for you.

Anonymous said...

That isn't right...they shouldn't make you rush around to change it! Can't they see that your are PREGNANT? :) Love you Cindy!

Hope you can get it cleared up in time!