Friday, November 10, 2006


Today i finally went from an undeclared junior in A&S college to a declared Psychology major and Creative Writing minor. I see now why i took so long, they had me going all over campus for signatures and such. Pain in my butt. Anyway, i have been leaning toward Psychology since i first started going to college, i really started enjoying Psychology since Highschool, i had an awesome teacher who really made me enjoy the concepts. So i am standing pretty well in that area, and i noticed i was close to getting a minor in creative writing so i am like what the heck pick that up also, never know i could write a book, haha if not maybe ill pick up some education classes incase things fall through, i wouldnt mind teaching Middle School or College courses. I will get to sign up for my classes next Thursday and i am pretty excited about few of the Psychology classes i am taking, i still am trying to figure out if i should pick up another class to put me at 16 credits. Guess we will see, i just do not want to fall too far behind since i only took 12 credits this last semester to stay fulltime. I also picked up a few more hours of work at the Foundation House, what i did last semester and this summer, just researching wrong numbers so i will still be calling in the evenings also. Somehow i am an Alum here? I was wondering why the alumni association kept calling me, i must have gotten coded wrong, pretty funny though!


Jen said...

Abnormal Psych was one of my favorite classes. Hopefully you have a good teacher for the class. The first thing our teacher said to us was "Just because you're taking this abnormal psych class, it does not mean you're allowed to go around diagnosing everyone". Haha. Good Luck this upcoming semester!

Anonymous said...

Thats great you finally did it!