Saturday, December 02, 2006


Last night Nikki and I went to see the ballet The Nutcracker. Never being to a ballet before it wasa new experience, but being in dance in the past, and i like theatre alot, and i enjoyed it. Since UW put it on they had a little of a western twist to the outfits and such, i liked it and it wasn't overdone at all. I commented about one of the stick thin ballerina's, her legs were literally as tall as my whole body, haha. It was a good performance, and the little girls and boys in it were just darling! We also had a friend in it, who is an SAE brother of Kendall.

And just a side note, why is it that girls insist on wearing t-shirts, and skimpy clothing when going out to the bars in 0 degree weather? When they have to wait out in the weather till capacity will let them in, Is being "cute" REALLY worth getting sick over, let alone bringing back the sick to school and getting us who do wear coats sick!! STUPID!


Anonymous said...

That is stupid of those girls. Just shows their immaturity. That is like jr. high school mentality. I am glad you liked the ballet!

Karen and Zach said...

I saw the Nutcracker too and agree that it was great! It was cool because not only was there a sort of western type theme, they actually changed the character's names to Ivinson, which is a historical name for Laramie and UW. The little girl having the dream is Clara Ivinson and a lot of the scenes take place in the Ivinson mansion. Just a fun twist.