Saturday, June 02, 2007

Little Angels and Good Buy!

Today Kendall and i had plans to go to Cheyenne to shop, since he has a new job, and is going to be getting his real estate license in the next month, i felt as a celebration and need thing we better get him some work fitting clothes! Before we left, Em and i went to a few garage sales, and luck was on our side, #1 reason is the lady that usually ALWAYS ends up ahead of me to take ALL of the baby stuff i need was nowhere to be seen(she has done it 2 summers in a row now!), and #2 we happened across a garage sale of a lady that has 3 year old twins, boy and girl, and was selling all of their clothes up to 2 years!!! YAY! We got about $150+ worth of clothes for oooh guess...25$!!!!! Oh man, we just got clothes up to 24months since we cant garage sale in the winter, so the kids have SO many more cute clothes! And they lady is like, heck come back next year we will have plenty more! They are wearing 12 month clothes already, so i don't even bother looking for anything under that.
Anyway, we made it to Cheyenne in time to shop for an hour at Ross before meeting Tracy, a friend of mine who just had her baby (Madison) who is 2 months now. We ate at C.B.Potts, a nice sports bar/sitdown restuarant. Everything went smoothly, which makes me proud since it was the first time the kids had really gone to a store OR a restuarant with us(yes they are sheltered! haha) Anyway, after that we went to the mall browsed and then after the kids crashed in their stroller we decided to head home. They were amazing little Angels the whole day! (thats GREAT for two short attention span 9 month olds!). Now we are home and just waiting till bedtime haha, oooh and guess what? Mr. Aidan has started crawling too!! I will try and get a video of that soon!


Anonymous said...

What a good find at the garage sale!

Way to go Aidan!!

janis said...

Really good day I would say!! :) so glad everything went good, and you got so much good stuff! Aidans gotta keep up with big sister :)