Wednesday, February 13, 2008

18 Month Check-up

Today was Layla and Aidan's 18 month check-up at the Doctors. The kids are really healthy, and i had the Dr. look Aidan over since he fell down the stairs this past weekend, he is perfectly fine. The only thing to watch is Aidan hasn't grown since November, he is still 31.5 inches, and Layla only grew a quarter of an inch to catch up to Aidan at 31.5 inches. He explained to us this is obviously genetics since they are staying so close in growth as they have their whole life, and we aren't doing anything wrong, and that in the next couple months it won't be uncommon for them to just have a big growth spurt. Of course since they didn't grow height wise, their weights are still about a pound a apart, Layla at 22lbs 8 oz, and Aidan at 23lbs 14 oz. Again nothing to worry about. They have always been skinny kids, and no concern, i mean they EAT all the time, they just ate a bagel between the two of them, after sharing mine and Kendall's lunch (this all a snack, they had lunch 3 hours ago). They got their last 2 shots for a couple years, until they start kindergarten (YAY)! They also have started a fluoride treatment for kids every three months, so they got that first treatment today to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. I think it is good that Wyoming has so much to offer for children, with Equality Care supporting it so we don't have to pay tons of money that we do not have, they also have a Read program that gives the kids a new book each visit. Real cool. The best news is they are over 2 years developmentally in other areas, an example being motor, cognitive, and language. So this puts them 6+ months ahead on the average curve...our next goal is to make sure they do not talk with their paci's in, it causes them to learn to talk with it in, and can effect their language later when it isn't in.

This little video is of Aidan and Layla "mixing up food" for Big bear. Make note that Aidan is "eating" off the spoon like there is food on it, there is NOTHING, it is make believe....REAL cute.


Anonymous said...

Robin Hood - I love that version! :-)

Cindy Loo said...

haha you heard it in the background? :)

Anonymous said...

Aidan is really enjoying his pretend food ...really cute...