Tuesday, September 23, 2008


If anybody could figure out how to get on here, i have sent an invite email, if you know of anybody else that reads this and would like an invite please let me know, i do not have everybody's email.

On the note of why i decided to change to a private blog is the increasing amount of strangers that read blogs and take down bits and pieces of information to figure out where the blogger is. The scarier thing is, some cases have had strangers actually take pictures from the blog of children and post or sell them and where they live, almost pin pointing their location from just that sort of information. Scary, i still want to share with friends and family so this is what i have done.

Hope all can get here now!


Karen and Zach said...

that really is a good idea...maybe I will go private too...I'm not sure who all even look at my blog anymore!

Anonymous said...

me too....

Anonymous said...

me too