Thursday, October 02, 2008

Insomnia and Misinterpretations

It seems that since we have moved in to our house, i have gradually not been able to sleep well, to barely at all recently. So most mornings when the kids are wanting to get up (lately before 8:15...unusual for them), i prepare a little bed out in the living room for us all to cuddle on and watch cartoons and eat breakfast for an hour. I usually close my eyes and keep my hearing alert so i know where the kids are and that they are not breaking into the pantry for cookies or anything else they might be up to. I began to hear Aidan talking to me here is how the conversation went:
Aidan: "Mommy...pawder."
Me keeping my eyes closed: "Bucko, i just gave you water"
Aidan: "Mommy...pawder...pawder!!"
Still eyes closed "Aidan your water is on the couch where you left it go get it please, mommy is tired."
Aidan now poking at my leg "Mommy...pawder! pawder right there!"
Looking down at the blue blanket with penguins on it that i had draped over my lap i figured he thought it looked like water. "Yes Aidan, it looks like water."
Aidan: "No mommy! No! S'pawder!!!"
Looking again...AWWW! There was a SPIDER crawling up my leg...he wasn't even talking about water, he was trying to say spider!! Misinterpretation of Aidan once again, poor thing probably gets so frustrated with us! Glad he kept telling me or it would have just stayed there creeping along.
So for Aidan, here is his "hiphop" dance that i caught on video, i do not know where he learned it, but it is very cute and ONLY when hip hop or rap is on..shows that certain beats to music brings out different dances i guess! Let me add that we listen to the radio on satillite so he hasn't even seen a music video. If you can't understand what is being said you can hear Layla at the end say "Look at Aidan dancing!" and then Aidan proceeds to walk over to say "No camera!!" Guess is shy about his moves!


janis said...

I wonder why the sleep problems? You have a great guard dog now;) Actually 2 guard dogs. Really cute of Aidan dancing:)

Anonymous said...

That video is so cute!

Good thing Aidan was persistant in telling you about the spider. He obviously knew it was important!! :-)