Friday, March 10, 2006


I am going to suprise everybody and update my blog twice within one week, i hope the gasps and heartstoppings aren't permanent because i wouldn't want to harm any of my friends and families health! hehe ANYWAY my doctors appointment went great, even greater because i didn't have to get "checked down there" just listened for heartbeats and yes there still was two, one was a little faster than the other. NExt month i should be able to find out the sexes i am hoping since the appt. is the 14th i think that would be a nice early b-day present for me. Other then this news, spring break starts tomorrow after class of course, so i am going to enjoy a long week of sleeping, visiting family, and laziness. Thats all i have for you right now, except that Sudoku is a very frustrating number game and i cannot finish even one puzzle i throw it away in frustration! (oh amber greg might enjoy it, he likes puzzles) hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see you! be careful driving, go slow. check the road conditions first. the number is: 888-996-7623 see you soon!