Friday, January 27, 2006

Philosophies are gone and grind me gears are in. Check the new page.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekend Summary

Well after reading Amba's blog on playing Life it reminded me of what i really did do this weekend. Lately Emily and i have been getting everybody else who is bored to play different games such as life, taboo, imaginiff, and pictionary not to mention PLAYDOE! It is a lot of fun and it is nice to get a change from the normal stresses of life.
Another real fun thing that i did this weekend was going on a date with Kendall. He first took me to BagelMakers/TCBY which doesn't sound like an elaborate date spot, but to us is pretty special, since the first week of college for me ever, the only person i really knew was johnke and since he wasn't around he gave me Kendall's number to call to hang out with since i had met him a few times in the summer. Well, for some reason i called him out ofthe blue and since then have made a good friendship then relationship. Anyway this is the place he took me on that first day we hung out when he was introducing me to everybody. It was fun.
After we left TCBY Kendall took me to the iceskating rink in laramie, it was so much fun to iceskate, ive only gone a handful of times in my life so i always love it all the more when i go. Well, turns out Kendall had never really iceskated much before and the same for roller blading so he only knew how to scoot around. So i decidedto break out my skills hehe and teach him how to spin around when he is skating. I made him do it over and over till i was satisfied. It was a lovely date and im glad i had fun, he's a pretty thoughtful guy!
thats all i have for now.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Burglar! ooh wait...

Last Night: Well last night, Steph and i decided to hit the sack pretty early considering well, we are a lazy pair and we just were pretty tired...Around 1030 i was completely out when all of a sudden i wake up to the gasp of steph "OMIGOSH!!" I sleepily start to sit up. "wha-?" As a man walks across the room with, to Steph appears to be a flashlight. Soon after being startled by this, Steph soon realizes it was a cell phone lighting up the room and it was kendall coming to hang out not realizing we had went to bed so early. Now its a pretty funny story.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Get that Mouse Lola Katt!

Tuesday-Well, today i found out that our Lola is a mouser...however, before mama starts freaking out about mice in our house, Lola is a little more modern, when i say mouse chaser i mean the mouse arrow that we use on our computer...she will sit here and watch me move the mouse up down and all around, her little eyes are seemingly attatched to the site of the arrow, sometimes she pounces or bats at the screen, gets embarrassed when she realizes she cannot reach it and runs away, still i provoke her the next time by continueing the mouses trail all around my computer screen!
On another note, we received a magazine that was addressed to "Lola Katt" so obviously Lola enjoys her Glamour beauty tips .