After their shots the babies felt ucky, Aidan had a slight fever a few times, and Layla just looked miserable. We got some cherry tylenol for them which helped a lot, helped us out too since it knocked them out most the day. Yesterday Kendall, Gary, Nikki, Katie, and I all got to go to the homecoming parade and the football game, it was
sooooooooo nice to be able to get out of the house and feel like a couple again., and be able to hang out with our friends without having the kids around. Its been hard lately for Kendall and i to get out and be a couple alone, without the parent thing weighing on us. I love our babies but after a couple weeks of being around them, Kendall, lack of sleep, stress of school, and work, we get at eachothers necks and that isn't healthy for any of us. After the game, Gary's mom gave us another break and took the babies for a couple hours so we could have some friends over for a BBQ get together. Later the babies came home and everybody who hadn't been able to see them yet were pretty excited to see and hold them. A few friends were able to see bathtime too. It was nice. Without much outside help, Kendall, Nikki, Gary and I have really been trying hard to keep school in our priorities, but sometimes we end up sacrificing assignments in order to keep the babies occupied. In the end its worth it, they are growing so much and have such sweet personalities!! I am going to make a list of those friends who have told us over and over they would love to help us out, they understand how hard it is for us to be at school full time, work, and be full time parents/Aunt/Uncle(gary and nikki:) It is so nice to have a group of friends here to help out since help in other areas has fallen through. These babies have alot of our friends who care about them and come help out when we have class. I think this next weekend i may take a trip out of town to either Amber's or Mom and Dad's, the babies havn't seen the family in awile and I know everybody here needs a break, Kendall will be working out of town, and it will just be nice.