Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pre-Halloween Dressup :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Let it Snow!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
What is all of this crunchy stuff?
Ok, i thought i would share this video, it is of Aidan taking a running jump into the leaves. I would build the leaves up high and he would run and dive into them...i use to LOVE doing this as a kid!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Make It STOP!
Ok, this toy has been driving me NUTS since Gary bought it for the kids before they were even born! It plays this song OVER AND OVER, and cannot be shut off, the button is on the front so when it was packed away in a box before the kids were born, every time the box was touched it would rub on that button. Anyway, i thought it was gone, i hid it, packed it away for good! The silence was amazing until today, i was making breakfast and then i heard it, the first i didn't think to much of it until i heard it about a dozen times, i looked in at Layla in the living room, pushing the button OVER and OVER dancing around the room with it. AW! Who found it, Who got it out again??? She has been pushing it no joke for 15 minutes now, a few times Aidan will grab it and play with it too. Oh i am going to go insane today...This video you can see Layla pushes it as Aidan plays nearby. i wish i had a longer video thing on my camera so i could show you all how annoying this is!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Adorable Flower Girls

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Raindy Weddings and Dancing Aidan
~This weekend was Gina and Geoff's wedding (Kendall's little sister). Despite the pouring rain, the wedding still went on. the kids got to meet a lot of their family on Kendall's side and it was a lot of fun in the end :) We all had a good time and the kids were angels despite not having naps! I wish i would've had more time to take pictures!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
New Ride
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Baby Talk
Each day the kids surprise me either with a new sound, word, or sign language that they have picked up on. It's getting real exciting. Layla twice today has shown me the "potty" signal i have taught her in sign language when she was wet and later when she had a poop. I ask her if she has a potty and she would do the signal again, oh man i was so happy she is catching on! :) Both kids are good at pointing at what they want, Layla has moved this a step forward with saying "tattat" for "what's that" and also if she wants to go outside she will pat her chest and then point out a certain window or at the front door. They both can say "hi" pretty good, Layla says it the most i would say. Of course they can wave either with just their hand or swinging their whole arm. Both can make a piggy noise and a rooster noise, this is REAL cute! They understand a lot more, when i say time to eat they run to their highchairs, and if i say "night time" they run to their room door. Let's see what else is there, When you call their name Layla will say "yesth" for "yes" and Dear Aidan will say "huh?"...he gets this from Kendall, for when i ask Kendall something he always goes "huh?". The big one came last night...As many of you have seen or heard of, Aidan is famous, him, some friends of ours, and I posed for a UW foundation thing, where our picture is now on envelopes for the Annual Giving, sent to over 40,000 people. ANYWAY i was showing Aidan, and he started to run off with my copy of the picture, i went to grab it and said "Aidan let me have that back please" and then he said it in his tiny little voice...clear as day"No." AW! It begins!
Friday, October 05, 2007
It just FEELS like an ear ache!
For the past week and a half Aidan has been tugging on his right ear like crazy. He hasn't been fussy so i put off taking him to the Dr. telling myself if he had an earache he would be fussier. Finally i decided to take him, my friend Megan helped me take him and Layla(figured if it turns out being an earache might as well get her checked too). Come to find out it is not his ear at all, just his brain sending the wrong signals. He is actually already getting one of his muller's! Poor thing in less than 2 months has gotten 6 teeth, and now a muller. His Pediatrician said if Aidan could talk he would actually say his ear did hurt, it's kind of like when you have a heart attack your arm hurts, and when you have gallbladder problems your shoulder can hurt...weird but that is how the signals in our brain apparently work. So that is the news this week, until today when Aidan became a tough boy, not just a baby boy haha. Let me explain, in the 14 months the kids both have managed not to bleed, (minus the time i clipped Layla's nail to short when she was 3 months old). ANYWAY, today he was dancing to "the muffin man" and lost his balance right into this rolling singing hard ball, i guess his mouth was bleeding pretty bad, (i was at class at this time so missed the whole thing). Nikki and Gary said they assume his bottom teeth either cut his top lip or gums. I am glad he is ok, when i got home he was happily back to dancing again, so i gave him some Motrin just in case it starts to hurt soon. That boy is just a dancing maniac lately, hehe, Layla too. :)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Well, It is here!

Well, for all of you that haven't bothered to take a second look at the quarters you get in is the Wyoming quarter, the 4th style this year. Of course Wyoming doesn't seem to get away from our Steamboat symbol, i heard people talking about it and thought HOW boring, but now that i have looked it over a few times in person, i am starting to like the ol steamboat symbol.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Pack Rat....
Monday, October 01, 2007
Monkey See Monkey Do
Today i decided to build a blanket house, or i guess tunnel for the kids to see how they would react. And they LOVED it! It started in front of the couches in our living room, where they had to crawl under their little table, then it wrapped around behind the couch and into the hallway. It took them awhile to realize that they had to crawl at first, but once they did oh man, they were crawling/running around squealing and laughing.
Here is Aidan with Layla behind him playing in the blanket house.
Laylabear up close and being her silly self. She wanted to get the camera.
Here is the blanket house after Aidan pulled it down. They enjoyed playing on top of it too, haha. Notice their shirts? They say "Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Get In Trouble too!"
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