Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmas on Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Could We Get Two Bowls of Snow, Please?
Well, Apparently today when Kendall and I were gone the kids ordered just that. Gary had taken them outside to play in the snow and when they came back they were trying to eat the snow from their boots. So not allowing that act, Gary instead scooped up a bowl of snow and brought it inside. Sure enough they ate it all contently. So he got a second bowl...that gone too. Haha how cute! wish i could've been here for the lovely slushy "meal". :)
Ok, funny story about THIS picture. I wanted so bad to get these two to HOLD still so i could get a picture of these CUTE matching outfits. Well, i finally got them to hold still, but they would not give up the paci's, and look a bit mad. Right before i snapped the picture Layla jumped off the chair ran over grabbed Eeyore, climbed back up and well, let me take the picture...with annoyed looks in all.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Where's Layla????
Ok So one day, i come out of the bathroom and saw too little feet sticking out of the blanket hanging on the couch. As i walked closer the little lump held still and then let out a little snicker...well, yea you will have to see the little game she started...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Eeyore gets a bath...AGAIN!
Have i mentioned i am never getting my kids flu shots again? ok with that said, they passed their flu to me yesterday, i have never puked so many times in my life in such a short period, think i got to 17? UCK! To top it off, while Kendall was putting the kids to bed, i was laying feeling sick sick sick and i heard the "help" again that i had heard when Aidan first threw-up on Thursday. OH NO! i ran out there, hoping i wouldn't hurl and sure enough ms. Layla had thrown up all over Kendall...again! So far that was the only incident. But now Kendall is feeling sick, he started yesterday and now is feeling worse this morning. i am alright now, my stomach is so empty but i can't eat anything without feeling sick. So i guess it is mommy duty again till Kendall feels better! Now if i could only find time to shower! i STINK!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Eeyore Gets a Bath
Well, to start off this blog entry i would like to make a comment: Never EVER again if i can help it will i get my kids, or suggest to anybody to get a flu shot, despite HOW much the Dr. pushes. And with that here is the reason why: 12 hours, 20 vomits, 20 baths, 8 loads of laundry, 6 clothing changes for Kendall and I, 1 failed psych exam test from no time to study, and 4 hours of interrupted sleep later...that is what happened with the kids' flu shots. They got them on Wednesday right? Well, yesterday afternoon Aidan threw up chunks ALL over Kendall, it was all downhill from there. Layla was so upset with us cleaning up Aidan, crying, screaming, and throwing herself on the floor, not understanding what was going on. If only we knew 3 hours later she too would start and catch up to Aidan's puking record pretty dang quick. We ended up putting the pack in play in our room for Layla, and kept Aidan in his crib. So we had to watch them sleep, they do not know to stay on
their side, Aidan at one point woke up choking as he threw up, luckily we were there to sit him up. Now lets make it clear here for those of you who have never experienced a toddler let alone 2 with the flu. They do not know how to warn you, they do not know how to aim in a bucket let alone try, they just puke, right where they are...on you, on the floor, on the couch, in the cribs, on blankets, whatever is the closest surface...the worst was poor Eeyore, it was only a matter of time for him being Layla's best friend. So he got his first bath....finally after almost a year of love, loss of stuffing, ripping, food spillage, drug in the dirt, leaves, you know i really don't really want to know where else he has been. But the good news...Layla still loves him!!! On a more serious note though, this horrible flu really took it out of the two, there was a moment when i was ready to take Layla to the ER, her face was so grey not even pale anymore, her eyes were half shut, she was limp, and couldn't even hold her head up to throw-up. Yes people say "give them something to drink feed them" nope it didn't work, they would not drink refused, they would not eat, i got to the point where i grabbed a syringe to force feed petialite into them, regardless they threw it up 5 minutes later but it brought color and life back. Yes, one crazy, long, sick, sick, sick night for sure!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
15 Month Wellness Check
Today was Layla and Aidan's 15month checkup. Everything went well, they are very healthy and are looking great on the curves. Aidan weighed 23 pounds and Layla was just under 22 pounds. They are both at 31 inches, with Aidan a quarter inch taller. Their developmental level is 17-19 months. That is awesome i think! Little smarties, hehe! They can say over 6 words, and can sign more other than those. They got their 2 immunization shots along with a flu shot, which we will have to take them back in a month to get the second one of those. Now to just catch up on their baby books!!
Layla and Aidan coloring their pictures i gave them. They are now hanging on the fridge so i can them off!! :D
Monday, November 12, 2007
"At!! EOW! EOW!!"
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Are you a boy or a girl?
Ok, here is a joke i heard the other day... i will try and tell it as best as i can! It just reminds me of Layla and Aidan chatting in their baby language back and forth from their cribs!
So there were two little babies in their cribs next to each other.
The first little baby looks at the other and says: "Hey! are you a boy or a girl?"
The second little baby says, "well i don't know! what are you?"
The first baby replies "I am a little boy!"
The second baby then proceeds to ask "well, how do you know that?"
The first baby pauses for a minute and then says "ill come show you!" he carefully crawls out of his crib and into the other little babies crib. He then crawls under the second little babies blanket. A little bit later his head pops back out from under the blanket.
"Well?" asks the second baby?
"Your a little girl!!" says the first baby
"Neat!" giggles the second baby. "But how could you tell?"
"Well you have pink socks on and i have blue socks!" said the first little baby.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
We Talk!
Layla and Aidan are beginning to learn new words and a sign language more and more. They can pick things up so quick, ,Layla especially since she loves to imitate, Aidan just enjoys doing his own thing more than listening to me. Anyway, here is a list for each of things on what they can sign or say that i can remember off the top of my head right now. Enjoy :)
"ow"=meow/what a cat says
"was sat" or "datdat" =what is that or that.
"bobbob"=Billy Bob AKA Gary
"uK" or "fuk"(emphasis on the k)=Duck
"kakkak"=quack quack
"ada"(first "a" is a long a)=Aidan
she can sign:
1(how old she is)
touchdown :)
night night
she can "rock" her baby, "kiss" her baby, and "burp" her baby when we ask her to.
close to getting down 'love you'
she also knows which painting by Van Gogh is "starry night" and which is "terrasse de cafe".
She knows where her nose, mouth,ear,hair, head, foot, and bellybutton are, and can dance when asked.
"bobbob"=Billy Bob AKA Gary
"oboyoboy" we think "Oh Boy Oh Boy"
He can sign:
He knows where his nose, ear, head, foot, and mouth is, and can dance very well when asked.
"ow"=meow/what a cat says
"was sat" or "datdat" =what is that or that.
"bobbob"=Billy Bob AKA Gary
"uK" or "fuk"(emphasis on the k)=Duck
"kakkak"=quack quack
"ada"(first "a" is a long a)=Aidan
she can sign:
1(how old she is)
touchdown :)
night night
she can "rock" her baby, "kiss" her baby, and "burp" her baby when we ask her to.
close to getting down 'love you'
she also knows which painting by Van Gogh is "starry night" and which is "terrasse de cafe".
She knows where her nose, mouth,ear,hair, head, foot, and bellybutton are, and can dance when asked.
"bobbob"=Billy Bob AKA Gary
"oboyoboy" we think "Oh Boy Oh Boy"
He can sign:
He knows where his nose, ear, head, foot, and mouth is, and can dance very well when asked.
What's Day Lights Savings???
Ok, all week i have made a mental note to remember day light savings. Obviously i still forgot. That was until we had the kids up, and fed...Kendall looked at the clock and is like "it is only 8?" Say wha?!? oooooh man it is only 8, obviously our clock in our room is still ahead an hour AND Layla and Aidan our little alarm clocks too did not know we were supposed to sleep IN an extra hour. Sigh, oh well i guess that will just make for a LONG day for them!
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