Well, as everybody knows or is finding out, i found out in january that Kendall and I are pregnant as he would say, and couple weeks ago the ultra sound at 10 weeks showed that not only are we pregnant with one baby, but ooh noooo somehow two managed to be there! Kendall is a fraternal twin and his aunts are identical, although it is supposed to be passed through the woman, twins dont run on my side of the family so either a big coincidence or maybe research on guys passing this should be looked at again! Well, that is the lastest news, i am hoping my appointment in April will determine boys or girls or one of each! Birthday news i guess! We won't find out if they are fraternal or identical till after they are born, well inless its a boy and girl then it is most likely fraternal.
Here is a picture of the ultra sound at 10 weeks. now i think im 12 or 13 should keep track i guess.
1 comment:
I am more amazed everytime I look at the ultrasound and see the 2 babies there.
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