Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Well, i never really thought about that part of my job as a manager here would be that i would actually have to be a part of firing someone....Without a 'real' boss at this time, the one i do fall under is laying strict policies to the callers here (i agree with him 100%) however, tonight when he took me aside and said "ok, we are terminating three people, maker sure you are here on Thursday" i completely froze. Who the heck would it be? i fumbled through the schedule and had to walk around trying to figure it out in my own mind, and i guess right on them once he did tell me who. I really don't have any personal problems with anybody here, but once we discussed things, it came down to work ethic, and work attendance (drives me nuts!). So it sounds like i am apart of this, i give the interviews to hire why not fire? Atleast i only have to lead them to my boss now and sit there nodding as he lets them go and they sign the termination papers. I am sure though afterwards they will ask me the questions since i am not as intimidating. Joys of work, but hey great for a reference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had to fire someone too. Not fun at all.