Friday, March 25, 2005

Sign Language

Fry-Day. Well, so far i havnt learned any new signlanguage besides the one finger wave, peace, and party on since becoming deaf in one ear last night. Yes, it did the sound of when you put a hotdog in the microwave and didn't puncture it with a fork. The loud SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL then POP!!! that was the last noise i heard. Anyway, its aight now, still deaf however goes pop pop pop!!! everytime i swallow. Well, i got my class scedule figured out i think, ill be gone alot with that and work in the fall but hey, i gotta learn to manage my time some how. Have a good GOOD FRIDAY!


janis said...

I am glad your home really! i am sorry about that cloud hovering above my head. :(

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy,

Thanks for finally bringing Kendall over for me to meet, although next time try to time it so that I am DRESSED and not just coming out of the shower! AH! Good thing I had a bathrobe on!

Love you sistah!