Friday, April 29, 2005

So i dont update much anymore!

Friday-Well, today i have just been trying to get alot of last minute things done before finals next week ARG! i have all my notes and stuff printed to study, and sunday im studying with Laural for math. I have been sick part of this week, missing my mama taking care of me, however, Kendall stepped up and has been taking my temp., putting cold washclothes on my face and feeding me soup and green tea. its been nice. Today im feeling better havnt had a fever yet, and turns out everybody and there brother have the same thing as me so its not like i could help n neway catching it. Tomorrow we are going to take our chances and head to elitches, they are said to be open, we just wont get to use the water rides i figure. Then i get to buckle down on finishing my english porfolio's for finals, and studying for the 4 finals i have this week. After my last one on wednesday, Kendall and i are headed to oogalala nebreska to stay with his mom for a couple days and to meet his sistah. Then i am coming home on saturday to go to the prom grandmarch, hopefully see haley and be home for mothers day. Work starts the 9th a week from monday ERRR no rest for me!
Oh, whats weird is Shawna made me register for this thing called "" its just to meet people and view your friends portfolios online(its for college students) and well turns out, stephanie yergler added me among many other friends, im just lazy and let them find me lol. I just thought it was neat. LAter all


Anonymous said...

We all say lazy too easily. We should just call it unwilling. It is closer to the truth. I am not attacking you. I do it too. Instead of me saying: I am too lazy to do homework, or tired, etc. I should just say: I am unwilling to do homework because it is easier to be tired, and play on the computer, and watch TV. Today I am even wondering if school is what I want to do. Even though it is, it does not seem like it. I am unwilling to do much today.

janis said...

why is it our kids will not try healthy things for their parents but will try them for other people? for instance I believe I have tried to get you to drink green tea in the past and NO WAY you say. but Kendall says try some green tea and its OH YEAH THANKS!! but I was touched that you missed your momma taking care of you :)how bout $200 to come home?