Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Wed-nes-day- well i am lazy too karen. anyway i have 5 minutes to class. school has 2 more weeks b4 finals then im done the 6th and start work the 9th so i dont really have much of a break. most importantly- AMBER have your baby the 19th or b4 like planned, then it can share the Aries sign with me. Be a spontanious person:D and more importantly.....THE 18TH IS MONDAY!! DON't NONEYA FORGET!!! :) hehe


janis said...

whats the 18th? j/k by the way we have a date to go to ross and tj max :) love you !

Anonymous said...

seriously! I was wondering the same thing...what happens on the 18th???

Amber said...

The 18th is significant because it is the day before I am scheduled to give birth of course! Why else? It is also Conan O'Brien's birthday and was the day that the League of Nations was dissolved back in 1946. hehe. ;-)

J/K Cindy. You know we wouldn't forget our baby sister's birthday!

janis said...

wow cindy you have the same birthday as conon o'brien! hehe remember when you and i used to stay up late everynight and watch him? :)

janis said...