Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back 2 School

Well, School started Monday, i am taking 12 credits, 4 which are online. The online class is a child development class and the main part of the course is to study 2 kids of the same age within months and the teacher said my twins will count! whew!! that saves me from having to go to a lab or work at a daycare. My other classes are a creative writing poetry one which will be pretty fun since i enjoy free writing, also have a developmental psych. class which will be pretty close to my online one, so hopefully ill learn close to the same material so i can do ok in both, my last class is just a nutrition class which the professor is fun and not boring, its a big class so is safe to say that will be the one i catch a snooze in if i ever need to, hehe. Hopefully things will fall into place and i can continue with all the classes. Work doesn't start until the 18th of Sept. so i still have a few more weeks to get settled into school before i decide how many nights of work i can handle, atleast 2, but i can take 4 nights so we will see. That is all for now, except we are trying to force the twins on a regular scedule so im not constantly feeding them for hours on end, so as soon as they fall asleep or "piddling at the pump" as we call it, pop, they are off until the next feeding. We will see how long this will last. I am going to try and pump more after classes since that is the time i have the most milk and the babes usually have already been given a bottle. We will see how long this lasts too! Oh and Aidan finally is taking to the blue swing, sometimes, so that is a nice treat, Layla is still unsure hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow how great is that assignment to study 2 kids of the same age! hehe see having twins is already proving to be an asset for school! sounds like things are indeed falling into place. I think these first few weeks of school will be hectic at first, as you get the money situation and books straightened out, but it will get better as those things get taken care of. yeah "no piddling at the pump" allowed! hehe I am glad Aidan is liking the swing now. thats will give you a break. Layla will most likely catch on to it soon too hopefully.