Wednesday, September 27, 2006

6 1/2 Weeks and still Cute as Ever!

Here are some recent pictures. This one is of Layla last night after her bath, she is just chillin in her towel waiting to be dressed, fed, and put to bed!!

Here is Layla again, with me holding her, is she posing for the camera? :D

Here is Aidan waiting for his turn in the bath, he is just chill'n on my pillow, he is such a chunky hunk!! :D

Here is Aidan getting close to bath time, he has lost his clothes and is waiting for Layla to be done....Such big blue eyes! :D


Anonymous said...

They are sure getting personalities! Layla does look like she is posing for the camera too :)

Anonymous said...

Cindy, the babies are pretty and beginning to show their personalities. I hope I get to see them sometime, love, Indiana Great-grandma.