Saturday Mom, Brian, Nga, Ebony, Karen and Zach all came over to watch Aidan and Layla (yes it takes a small army sometimes with these 2!) so Kendall and i could go to the UW vs Air Force game for the afternoon. It was so nice to be able to hang out with friends and cheer on the pokes (even though they lost#$$#%$$@). Here is a picture of Layla's cousin Ebony holding her. :D
I am glad I could help so you could get some time away. :) I wish I could have taken some pictures while I was there, well actually I DID take some now that I think of it, but they are on your camera.. Did I take this one? I am sure I took at least one or two but cant remember who all was holding a baby. and karen took several pictures too on her camera. I was pretty busy most of the time either changing a diaper, feeding a bottle or soothing Aidan hehe! even with my army help! I dont know how you do it!
I like to run and I like to play, I also like to spell my name. L-A-Y...-L-A That spells Layla...yeah yeah yeah
suppose to be yay yay yay, long A sound
i got it:D
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