The morning before we left to go to Nebraska to spend time with Kendall's family, and redo his mother's bathroom, Layla and Aidan begged to take a "bath". Bath meaning they LOVE their swimming pool and call it a bath. How could i say no to two little tots begging to go take a bath in their swimming pool? So we did...we even had the neighbor cat come visit, in which Layla followed around and played with until he left. She adores cats.

We left to Nebraska on Wednesday, and apparently while we were gone on Thursday our good ol town in the middle of mountains Wyoming got hit by a few tornadoes...pretty crazy, it was the lingering tornado from the Windsor Colorado, but was much much weaker, and along with wind only cause minor wreckage such as ripped out trees, missing traffic lights, missing roofs, missing fences...things like that. Some flash flooding, and 30+ electric poles down, causing a power outage for much of the town until past 10. ANYWHO, back in Nebraska we were unaffected, and knowing that family and friends were ok, we continued to enjoy the time there. This picture is of Aidan with the yard stick he found (he kept wandering into the bathroom construction, trying so hard to "help" and be with his dad.), he is obviously showing his Aunt Amy something pretty interesting.

Since the only bathroom with a tub was out of commission, the kids got to take baths one at a time in the sink. Aidan loved it and cried when Grandma Gail took him out, whereas Layla hated the idea of being bathed in the sink and cried the whole time (she also would not sit down). I love this picture, Aidan looking up into his Grandma Gail's face as she washes him. Very cute.

Trying to keep the kids occupied we let them play with a lot of different things in order to keep them out of the bathroom when we were tiling. Layla was helpful in trying to sweep up the kitchen. At one point when Kendall and i were alone tiling, the kids became really quiet...i first thought "oh yes they are being good" then it dawned on me, they are quiet because they are doing something they know we would not approve of........I go sprinting out of the bathroom to find the kids sitting in the corner eating out of a bowl of jelly. The jelly was gone, what was left was all over Layla, including in her hair, she was eating it with her hands...Aidan however was clean as could be and was eating with a spoon...Silly kids.

Kendall mudding the drywall, you can see the finished product of the tile in the shower, minus the grout. Kendall and I were the only two that had previously done tile so that is why i came along to help out:) After the tile was done, i left early Saturday morning to head home to a wedding i had up at Veaduawoo. Kendall stayed with the kids, he was an usher for a childhood friend's wedding. He is on his way home now and i cannot wait till they get home! Even though it was nice to have a day to myself and be able to go and do whatever without worry of packing up kids, i still missed them all sooo much...I only managed to get 2 more boxes packed to move, but i did pick up another 5 which will give me something to do tomorrow.

Even though the weather had cleared back in Wyoming, it still was partly cloudy, and chilly wind up there. Here is Layla and Aidan's good pup friend Macy, who was the ring bearer in the wedding. I think they are really going to miss her, since Megan in moving to Washington with her husband on Wednesday.

And here is the best part, it actually started to snow, even with the sunniness! We all love the snow so it was pretty cool, it only lasted a few minutes but hey, still neat. I really wish the kids could have come, they adore Megan, but i am sure with the chilly wind they would have not had the best time. I sure did though, since it was cold though we did not end up camping, but had an after party here in town to celebrate the two. :)
Hey that tile looks really nice! maybe you would like to do our bathroom? ;)
Its cool you got that picture of the bride and groom with the snow coming down....
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