Sunday, May 11, 2008


This weekend was a wonderful one. My family all came down to see me graduate...graduate with a Bachelors of Art in Psychology. Whoohoo, i was way excited and REALLY over welmed the day before from everything going on and finals. It was great to have such amazing support, my parents came, my sisters, brothers in law, my niece, and Kendall's mom all attended the 3 hour long long long ceremony to see me walk! It worked out well too since Kendall's brother in law is a Psych Grad and we could walk by each other, easy for family pictures. :) Thankyou everybody for the support and love you have given me! Here are a few of the 100+ pictures from 4 cameras i downloaded from (still a few on Karen's i missed).
A very special hug from my daddy after i walked off the stage! I admit, i was starting to tear up a bit! Happy tears!
A hug from my mother right after i got my diploma case. I am so glad she came to the floor with my dad to give me a hug, that was REAL special!! Even if it did almost squeeze the pee out of me! ;)
Hello! Here i am standing amongst the many other A&S graduates in our uniform look. I would glance up probably every 5 minutes to check on my family and see how they were...Layla and Aidan were always there too, i was glad they lasted through it! Very special to have them there!
Layla wanted to sit up by Grandpa for a bit i heard, and she enjoyed copying Adrianna. I was amazed and VERY proud that Layla and Aidan lasted the 3 hours on their best behavior, i couldn't ask for better kids! It was like they knew how important the event was! It was nice to have a whole crew of people to pass the kids around to so they had new faces to see and occupy them.
Family picture! This was right after i graduated in the stands, Aidan wouldn't look at the camera but this is the only picture of the four of us together that we got. So ill take it!! Kendall, Layla, and Aidan really put the drive in me to graduate on time...
Nikki and me looking beautiful in our gowns! Lucky her had a graduation ceremony lasting an hour and a half, nothing compared to mine haha. I am glad we got to share this day together though!
Love my sisters!! I am so glad that they could make it, and heck, just playing mario cart most the weekend was a lot of fun :) I graduated on Brian's birthday and i really wish he could have made it, however, i am just SO thankful he made it back from the middle east to the states safe and sound and soon we can go visit him!
My parents! I could not have gotten this far without their love and support! :) it was a great day, and it even ended with getting my mom to play the wii, she NEVER plays video games! Whoohoo! :)
Kendall and me, he has been such a GREAT influence and role model for me. His hard work and support has helped me so much through so many over welming times. I get frustrated and worry very easily and he always brought me back to rational thinking, believing in me. I couldn't be more thankful for the wonderful family that shared this day with me! :)

ps. sorry for such a sappy post today, but i am WAY excited and WAY thankful for the love i have around me!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great day!!! Again I say how very very very proud we are of you and what you have accomplished!!!