Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Party

Seems i have not been on here as often as things have been happening around here. Christmas has come and passed. I still have Christmas pictures to download from that, however, first was our Christmas party with those friends still lingering around Laramie before heading home or wherever it may be to visit family over the holidays.

We decided that the easiest and least expensive for all of us to get together was a secret santa gift exchange among all of us...That was so much fun and we each brought a different part of the meal or drinks. And let me just add...never let Karl make you a rum and coke unless you want more rum than coke. With that, the night started with chatting, ran through dinner, over to present opening, and on to more chatting. Everybody that was there worked out to be either pregnant, or have a small child. It amazes me how much a group of friends can change in a little over 2 years.

The gift exhange was interesting, a good interesting but i have never seen so much laughter amongs everybody over present unwrapping. As expected, the kids LOVEd their gifts, however, the joy of rolling and jumping into a heap of wrapping paper scattered on the floor seemed to bring just as much happiness as the presents themselves.

If it wasn't rolling in the paper, we allowed the kids to pass out presents in order to feel involved when their luck of a gazelion presents were now unwrapped. That didn't stop them though, they took on the role of unwrapping everybody else's presents. Our little shindig involved enough people to have a kiddy table and another table (pretty much adult kiddos). Our guest list was: Karl, Amber, Gina, and KarlII, Nikki and Gary, Matt and Shebli, Gina and Geoff, and of course our family. It was loads of fun.

I think the highlight of my evening and a little girls was the look of pure excitement/joy/love/happyness, what not of a little girls first barbie. After she opened it and realized it was Barbie, Layla brought her gift to her chest, lifted her head into the air and explaimed "BARBIE!!!!" she danced around with her for a bit and finally let me open her from the box...she had her princess barbie, which now has become a local inhabitant in her crib among the other 17 friends.
Tears streamed from Matt's eyes...i would like to say they were tears of joy from the love of a child opening her first Barbie. Very sweet, however we were all laughing so hard at everything its hard to say exacily what he cried from haha!
Later in the evening, once the sugar of pie and cookies set in, we had baby races. They each throughout the evening had their eyes on a prime "horse" to ride, Aidan chose Matt, and Layla chose Karl, they races back and forth screaming and laughing, even with Barbie too. Fun Times.

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