Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Conversations from here and there...

At the Breakfast table:

Aidan: "Mommy, Look! Cow!" As he points to the milk carton's label.
Taking this opportunity i decide to explain a little where the milk came from.

M: "Yes, Aidan that is a cow! Cows produce milk, and through different processes we can get that milk, process it and drink it. Isn't that neat that we drink milk from cows to stay healthy and strong?"

Layla: "No Mommy! Santa makes milk and cookies!!" This coming from out conversation earlier in the week about how we will LEAVE milk and cookies out for Santa this year.


At the dinner table:

M: "Layla, please eat your chicken! Daddy made this great meal, and the lemon peppered chicken is special because it is Mommy's favorite!"
Layla: "Not Mommy's favorite...Penguins are Mommy's favorite!" This coming from her knowing that Penguins are my favorite ANIMAL not favorite animal to EAT. haha.

Again, Breakfast Table.
Layla: "Mommy, are you happy?"
M. Yes Layla, i am very happy because i am home with you and Aidan! I miss you two when i am away!"
Aidan: "I miss mommy too!"
Layla:"Mommy, you miss Daddy?"
Aidan: "Miss Daddy!"
M: "Yes, I miss Daddy too!"
Layla: "aww, Mommy, you miss your Kendall?"
M: Giggling "Yes, Layla i miss my Kendall."
Layla: "It's ok Mommy, you miss your Kendall!"


Anonymous said...

How adorable! I think it is great you are "writing" all these down. The kids will love reading these posts some day.

I am glad you don't really eat penguins.

Cindy Loo said...

I actually have a notebook now that i jot the date and what they say lately..i know in a couple weeks ill forget so i want to always remember to whip it out and say HEy look what you said!