Well here are another week, another week that has been warm and causes no excuses for exercise...besides just wanting to sit outside on the porch in the sun and enjoy the warmth.
I have been pretty good about keeping up with the wii fit...minus this week well i have chose to go outside and walk with the kids, or explore with them instead. Now i know that Amber, Karen, and now Mom and Dad all have the wii fit, so i hope to hear more on the fun and what it is saying about weightloss. If i could swim i totally would start that, be a lot more interesting than me trying to do lunges on the wii fit and having Aidan crawl under me each time i go up to start another lunge...sometimes he isn't fast enough and i am forced to stick him to the floor with my knee in hopes the Wii will give me a high score and not tell me i am slacking (not that it KNOWS im trying but there is a KID under my knee thinking it's fun and games.)

Something that i enjoy is the ranking issues in Wii fit, being able to work to get anybody else that uses it to a different ranking...behind yourself as first. It is a constant battle and competition here between Kendall, Emily, Sky, and Me...or whoever played it this week. The most frustrating one is Aidan. He has had a highscore in the ski slolum since the first week we had it...31 seconds and no misses? Cmon already! Although i am third, it isn't enough, a 2 year old is passing me up on this game now too?!

So. How is everybody else doing? Getting out and enjoying the weather, even with the wind it not too bad! Just the worries of a late spring meaning most likely snow in June again...ugg. Let me know, send me a comment and lets see who is getting closer to their goal?
Ps. i have lost 3 pounds.
Ken and I are both enjoying the Wii Fit and competing with each other and also trying to beat Amber's scores from when she was here! It was a little discouraging when I checked the age after several days of playing on it and my age went up*&^%$! Kens age also went up...whats up with that??? I am especially liking the yoga as it seems to be helping my back.
Let's just say I flunked last week...no exercising and a little bit of pop.
Excuse: I have been really busy and have added a lot of activities to my life...I work 830-530 everyday, I joined the UW civic chorus, I am starting to learn to sew, I have practice and singing at church...all these excuses fall through, though, seeing as you have twin 2-year-olds and still find time!
I am just a bad girl...but I will try to do better this week!
I am forced to share my wii fit with these 2 year old twins..haha! i find making them do what i do next to me helps...then when they are working out...if kids can really "work" out, i do it next to them....hehe :) im glad you are keeping busy elsewhere though!
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