After a long day of eating delicious food, the turkey eventually made us get drousy, now Layla, she doesn't really have a turkey excuse, she was just tired i guess!
Story: Today waking up to Aidan fussying again, my first thought was to let kendall get him, since i heard Kendall already fixing a bottle in the kitchen. Second thought, well why dont i be nice and change Aidan's diaper for him. I groggily get up, grab Aidan and lay him on the floor to change him. Reaching around to pull up his sleep sack, i feel something warm, and wet. Thinking he just peed up his back i sighed and pulled my hand out, only to discover A LOT of slimey mustard poo alllll over my hand, and up Aidans back! EWWW! It reminded me of Adrianna when Mom was holding her to discover she had poo'd up her back too haha. .
No wonder the poor little guy was fussing. Ick.
That is one of the parts of having babies that I am not in a hurry to experience ;)
oh Man!
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