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Today was Aidan and Layla's 3 month checkup at our local WIC. They usually just check their weight, and update my WIC benefits, since i am not breastfeeding anymore, they added cans of formula onto my card which will be nice, since we spend about 180$ in formula a month, this will save us hopefully 100$ give or take. Too bad there wasn't a diaper program since we spend over a 100$ on diapers a month depending the deals we can find! However, i did contact a few diaper companies about having twins and getting some diaper discounts or something. One did write back, and said they would send me plenty of coupons if i sent proof of having twins. Very nice, also a formula company said about the same thing, they would give us checks towards formula. Neat Stuff. Anyway back to the WIC visit, they weighed Layla and Aidan and then figured out their percentile using a program that alters the results to premature babies, so both are in the 50-75 percentile accounting for their prematurity. Layla weighed in at 11LBS 9OZ and Aidan came in first for the heavier of the two at 12LBS 5OZ. Both were around 22.5inches long. Crazy how little they were when they were born, less than half of what they are now!
I like that picture!
Amber beat me in saying it, but that is a really 'neat' pic!
I am amazed at how fast they are growing!
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