These past few weeks have been pretty stressful for me, and with the news i received yesterday things seem to be getting even more stressful. It is something that i now have to balance school, doctor appointments, paying money to receive medical records for myself, Layla and Aidan, and lastly, figuring out if i need to progress forward with talking to a lawyer, or if its something that could have been for seen and somehow i missed the concept. The kids have picked up on my negative mood, and seem to be acting a lot sillier as if to cheer me up. So i decided if we are going to make silly faces at each other, why not to the camera too?

When i told Aidan to smile big for the camera, this is the face i got. Him squinting his eyes and pressing his lips together...he did this every time i asked for a smile!

So i decided, ok lets get a picture of this face and me doing it with him...so i said "smile Aidan!" and i made the face knowing this was a smile in his head!

Layla will stick out her tongue when i ask her too, so this picture was a little easier to get! :) She hasn't yet mastered the whole far out sticking of the tongue (she inherited my loooong tongue, so i need to teach her how to stick it out properly to take advantage of the full length!).

Aidan really wanted to get his "boos coos" AKA "blues clues" in the picture. So he sneacked it in when i was giving him a kiss, and by the look on his face he is pretty happy to get it in the picture...or is he really happy that i am kissing him? :) Either way these photos and silly times with the two really helped to cheer me up!
awwww These pictures made me smile too:) ask them to do their "cheer up rain dance" like they did for me when I was down :)
oh I forgot my name on that first comment.....but I am sure you figured out it is momma:)
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