Monday evening, i went to a mary kay party that Karen was hosting..it was nice that my mom drove down to go too and hang out. Here are the beautiful mother daughter duo smiling pretty at Arby's.

Tuesday my mom mentioned she wanted to see the kids more since they are oh so fun, so the kids and i took off on the spur of the moment to my parents house so the kids could get some Nana Grandpa time. My mom and i took them to the park, they had a lot of fun.

Layla would have rocked back and forth on this duck all day if we would have let her, she absolutely loved it!

Nana holding Layla on the teeter totter. She also loved this, but Aidan not so much.

I did manage to get a picture of Aidan on the teetertotter with me by his side. He looks annoyed.

The kids loved watering the lawn and trees in the yard. Although they took turns, Aidan was very unhappy that he was not at the nozzle of the hose...look at that face!

I love this picture, Aidan and Grandpa hand in hand walking. Aidan really looks up to the men figures in his life, i am glad he has such good men in his life to look up to!

Layla snuggling next to Grandpa as she drinks her milk before bedtime. She had a blast talking about "gampa(grandpa), nana, Abby(parents dog), and Doey (zoey, other dog)

Aidan getting a goodnight hug from Nana, while sneaking a peak at Zoey who is behind Nana.
great pictures:) I had fun! I think layla and aidan did too....did you?
yes i had fun! :) i always love coming home!
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