We are now all moved into our temporary place, fortunately it will only be for 33 more days (yes i am counting...). I am not one who complains about little things, but being here, i have been complaining about one thing. The kids upstairs. I try to grit my teeth but the first day we are moving in and the 7 year old is smacking his little brother (4-5 maybe) with a very large stick, and when his mother yells at him to stop, he chucks this large branch into the middle of the street, and leaves it there for cars to run over. If that isn't enough, he has admitted to throwing things at my car, even though his mother said "that isn't true" right after he bluntly told Kendall "we hit your car". I have pulled up to them throwing rocks into the street (i hope not at the car that was sitting there...) So we now forcedly park across the street in hopes that they will leave them alone. To add to things, we live in the basement, and to get to our door we have to walk around back of the house, stepping over left out and broken toys, trying to explain to two toddlers that these toys aren't ours and to just move their little tot butts inside. To get into our house there is a door at the top of the stairway, which has our deadbolt and another lock. When we do not lock this top door, the kids come into our stairway and "spray" bugs with water? Atleast what they said as they drench our stairs with water. So here they are playing in our stairway, and when Kendall asks them to not be there, they ask to come into our house. Even after explaining, the kids are sleeping, they are like "oh thats ok we will be quiet." um...no, many reasons ranging from the kids are sleeping, and we do not know these kids names even let alone want to lovingly invite them into our home to run around. After explaining to them they cannot come in, they reply "oh well our mom is napping too, we aren't even supposed to be outside." So what i gather is, while their mother sleeps they run around outside unwatched, when she is awake, we hear yelling...a lot of yelling. To top it off, when we walked up to lock the top door to avoid this problem again, they come pounding on the door, loudly, to ask "Why did you lock the door???" Once after i heard them in the stairway, i ignored them until i heard them leave, so i went up and locked the door. A wile later i went to leave, and they had barricaded our door with all their scattered toys and the box the toys are supposed to be in...was this because i locked the door? Even though we don't have a yard, i still hustle the kids very quickly to the car or park when these boys are out, for the older one was kicking rocks at Layla, I turned to him and snapped "do not kick or throw rocks...especially around the babies!" He just smiled . AW! So after all my ranting on a daily basis, and even though the little one is pretty cute, he just tags around with his brother, it is hard to be upset at these boys, because obviously it isn't that they purposely do this, they obviously just have never been taught not to do this. The younger one really likes Kendall, the times i have stopped to chat with him, he is always asking "where is dat big guy?" Ill explain he is at work and he replys "Oh, i want to tawk wit him." Well, that was my first week rant here, but i am thankful we have a place to stay temporary and we can save money without any bills for this place for 6 weeks. Now only if i can stay in my right mind and remain patient with the boys upstairs for a couple more weeks.
On to another note, here are a few pictures of the kids from this week, we have been visiting the park a lot since it is a few blocks a way, and i drove them to another park that has a small fishing pond.
1 comment:
I love you! sorry about all you are having to put up with...
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