Aidan after his birthday bash walking his friend Zoey. Notice there big Mickey Mouse Clubhouse air jumper in the background? They had a blast, this year was great not only were they surrounded by great friends and family, they also actually had kids at their party this year!! Their cousin Ebony (8), their cousin Adrianna (3), their friend Madison (16months), Stacy (7 months) and Tyrus (3 months). IT was a lot of fun for them and i am real glad it all went smoothly

Ebony helping Layla and Aidan open one of the many great gifts they got for their birthday. Adrianna watches them open the gifts. The living room was COVERED in gifts and wrapping paper by the end of their present opening!

The kids loved their bouncer mickey mouse club thing, we will probably set it up on the weekends for them from here on out. The only down point was the rain off and on throughout their party, but it didn't stop anyone from playing horseshoes, or jumping on this. There was probably 20+ people who attended their birthday bbq bash, it was wonderful.

We went to Guernsey Lake before their birthday party on Sunday for the weekend and the kids loved every minute of it. Layla enjoyed the boat more than going in the water, but after a day in the sun she was passed out on Katie's lap from the rocking of the boat.

Aidan loved the water but would never smile. He was VERY serious when he was floating on his raft, but you could tell he was enjoying it. Everybody pushed him out pretty far into the water and he loved watching the boats!

We went back to Kendall's hometown to visit his grandma who was in the hospital. The kids hadn't seen her for awile and they enjoyed their time there and with their Grandma Gail. Here Layla is splashing in the lake nearby.

Aidan enjoyed splashing and was more adventurous in the water, if we wouldn't have stopped him he would have tried to walk to the middle of the lake!

The kids enjoyed there time with their Grandma Gail, here everybody is swinging at a nearby park.

The houswarming party was a lot of fun and a great success. Many friends and family came to share this time with us. Here are all of my parents grandkids, Adrianna, Aidan, Layla, and Ebony.

Aidan was showing Gary "bobbob" how to through some horseshoes. He was in and out of the pool all afternoon.

After we moved into our new house, A friend brought over his pet rabbit, Leroy. Layla loved this rabbit, i had to teach her however that dragging him by his ears hurt the bunny and not to ever do it again.

The kids enjoying a quick bath outside in their little tub while Kendall worked on setting up the picnic table with Geoff. It was a housewarming gift from Geoff and Gina.

I then left with the kids on July 12th to a Family Picnic held each year from my Dad's work. Looking at the picture..where are the kids on the teeter totters?

On July 7th we painted the kids room, fairy tale pink, 100acre wood morning blue, pooh bear yellow, and white for the trim and stripes...the reason we painted their room was the previous owners had a love for purple and lavender...

July was a busy month for us, we moved into our new house on July 8th even though the closing was July 7th! It couldn't have come any sooner!
1 comment:
That seems like a very sweet little dog Aidan is walking there;) That mickey mouse air jumper was really a big hit! We really enjoyed the birthday party! It was great!
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