Things have been pretty busy around here. Two weekends ago we headed up to Spearfish/Deadwood to see friends Karl, Amber, and newly born Karl II. It was a lot of fun being able to take the kids on a mini vacation, they got their first experience of Chuckie Cheeses and also the family got to take a old time photo at a local place in Deadwood, very cool.
This past weekend we went up to Lander to visit some friends for a housewarming...there was a caravan of us, Gary, Nikki, Chris, Em, Skylor, Kendall, the kids and I. It was a great time and we got to enjoy their lovely big house! :) The kids had fun chasing the cat and playing with fake turtles (Layla broke one on accident and tried putting it back together before we found her, in which we owe Katie a new one!!!) Here are some pictures from here an there.

Kendall holding Karl II, he is close to three months old now. Such a cuddlebug, we were lucky to be one of the first people to hear him laugh, such an amazing thing!!

Aidan and Kendall at Deadwood matching in their white polos. We had a lot of fun at Deadwood, with the kids, and also at night without them gambling...i lost my money i had brought to play with so had to quit early haha.

Layla and Aidan wrestling at Lander, of course Layla seems to always somehow pin Aidan. She really uses her extra half a pound on him.

We went to this really neat place up by Lander called "the Sinks. It is a river which goes down into a cave, and about a quarter mile down it comes back up out of the ground. You can then walk down there and feed some trout reaching up to at least 12 pounds. Here is Layla and Kendall posing in front of the river as it goes down into the cave/ground.

Aidan along the river as it goes into the ground, sitting along the rocky bank as he throws smaller rocks into the water. The kids really enjoyed this and would not stop talking about the "river and rocks" that they saw.
Other than that, i have a phone that works now and can actually answer when people call. Whoohoo!