I have carved my fair share of pumpkins, and even though i don't mind the gooeyness of the whole thing, it is still nice to put the kids to work pulling it all out. They loved it, Layla caught on real quick and when she would run out of goo she would turn and say "mommy, scrape more!"

Aidan on the other hand loved to play with the goo, after Kendall carved his pumpkin, he stood over the bowl and just played with it, squishing it between his fingers, lifting it up to drop it "splat" I guess it is the little things in life that are the most fun. I remember when my dad would carve pumpkins, a few years we only had one pumpkin and he actually managed to carve four different faces on each side of it for each of us kids...amazing, i almost broke mine with just the little spider on ONE side! Kendall carved Aidan's pumpkin, the biggest one he could find at the store, Layla chose a bigger one too and i carved hers. Chris helped with carving Kendalls, and by the time it got to mine i decided to just not carve it and let the kids paint it. Daring right? Two toddlers with paint and a brush to wave around!

The paint turned out to be a great idea...taking advantage of the beautiful week of weather we had during halloween (very rare occurence), i stripped the kids down to their diapers and let them each pick 1 color and ONLY one color each. They loved it, went crazy, Aidan even started to paint a toy truck that he had outside...i stopped that quickly. Most the paint seemed to get on Chris and me ironically.

After the pumpkins were done, i begged the kids for a picture in their costumes by them. They only smiled with their sunglasses on, you can see the beautiful paint job on the 4th pumpkin. The kids wore their costumes all day Saturday from 10 am till 11pm. They had a blast, in the morning we went to Kendall's work, Karen's work, and Nikki's work to visit and get candy for the kids. Later that evening my friend Haley and her little boy (he was a black and white cow ironically) went also. We stopped at really only 5 places of family and friends, then from there we would get their neighboring houses that had their lights on. The kids LOVEd it, so much that Aidan ran into, past the candy passer outer into their house. Then he would turn around and sneak candy out of their bowl...oh what will i do with this kid? He just LOVES his candy i guess!

Now why I choose to take 2 year olds out on halloween to get sugary, high fructose, cavity creater candy for them i don't know. Maybe because they had the time of their little lives, who would of thought Layla could make such a mess out of a little sugar cookie all over her face, and still melt my heart with cuteness.

Even though it took some coaxing for Aidan to like his dragon costume, he wanted to be eeyore too after it came in the mail naturally. The night is all worth it for a 2 tots to love each other so much that they are compelled to hug eachother tightly while dressed up in the other ones costume. The excitement for trick or treating overwelmed them, and even though we were out till close to 11 oclock and at one point in time Aidan held his tummy because he ate so much candy, they still stalk about it. :) Good stuff!
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