Even though Layla and Aidan are only two, they have a tremendous amount of responsibility instilled in them already. We except a lot out of them because we know they are capable in doing these things, and not only that but understanding. I remember growing up, we always had chores, i am sure it did not start at 2 years old, but hey, they are apart of the family, they create the same amount of messes, we expect them to clean up these messes. When i was young i remember hearing my moms voice across the house "Unload and load!!", this referring to the dish washer, eventually turned into "uloa n loa!" being shouted numerous times in a row. Whatever, we still did the dishes. I think chores are important for any child to learn responsibility, and even though Layla and Aidan don't have set chores they are expected to help out when we ask, and at this age, they LOVE it. They are learning so much so fast it is hard to keep them occupied with any small task.

Recently as you have read, we brought my childhood dog Smores to come live with us, now that i have a yard to keep him and no landlord to fuss over it. He is 11 years old now, but is very gentle with the kids. He has learned quickly that if he in anyway snaps at them, even if they are pestering him, he gets a small punishment (them too). We do not tolerate that. Layla is thrilled to have Smores around, Aidan is off and on, he is more into the "no barking More!" commands that we hear daily from him. Always having a dog growing up, actually i never remember having just 1 dog, it was always numerous dogs growing up. Anyway, i think a pet is a GREAT way to teach children responsibility and understanding that other living things need to be treated nicely and can live in harmony with us.

The kids have caught on quickly to having a dog around. Often times they automatically call the dogs when any sort of food is dropped on the floor during dinner, they understand that dogs are great vacuums. Another thing that i have caught them doing daily, and despite so many lectures, time outs, and other punishments, the kids STILL feed smore their crackers, their cookies, their cheerios, anything that they have as a snack that day. They call him over with their sweet little voices "Here More...here is a cheerio! Good dog! Want more More?"
One day i called Layla out in the act. I explained to her that people snacks can make dogs sick sometimes and he only can have his specail treats. She nodded her head and said quietly "ok Mommy, i understand, he get a tummy ache!" Feeling pretty confident that i FINALLY had reached her, i went back to whatever it was i was doing. A few minutes later i turn around, to see that Layla has a bag of beggin strips for dogs out and is feeding Smore one after another. AW! Atleast she had the right snack this time right?

The kids have learned how to let Smore out now and do numerous times throughout the day. Only once has one ventured out into the yard with out permission following Smore. I lock the front door so they don't try it there, but i still worry they will try it one day. The kids understand what the Dog poop looks like and love to point it out to me as i am outside cleaning it up. "Mommy over here! Here is poop Mommy!!! Get the POOP!!!! MOMMY SEE IT?!?"

Another important factor of a dog is remembering to let it in! Layla is really good about this, especially right before dinner time when he is SUPPOSED to be outside, i explain to her over and over. "Layla Smore is happy outside right now, we need to eat inside while he is outside." Today she turns to me after this statement with an extremely concerned face. "Mommy, but it is cold outside...he will be cold Mommy!" While saying this, she wraps her arms around his neck as if protecting him from the evil Mommy who wants the dog outside so her children don't feed him during dinner. Sigh.

Cleaning is something i am sure every individual feels is an never ending job. Specially with two toddlers running around, i am constantly following them around picking up, wiping down, and mopping up. The kids have picked up on the mopping and vacuuming the most. Since our kitchen lunolium shows every piece of dirt, i feel as though i am mopping daily just to stay ahead of it. Yes, swifter is nice but not on this floor. Today i found Aidan moving chairs out of the kitchen to "mop" as Layla was pushing her Charlie Stick Horse around as if his head was her mop. Both kids kept repeating to me "Get out of kitchen Mommy, were mopping, its wet! Get out now!" Whatever, they are having fun right? So i sit on the couch to watch and next thing i know Aidan is pushing a little car thing into my feet, saying "Move mommy, i am vacuum!" Sigh, has this backfired to where i can't be ANYWHERE in the house while my kids playclean?

One of the most sweetest things i enjoy with the kids is walking with them. Even though it takes twice as long to make it to the mailbox a block away to get the mail i enjoy them learning to hold hands. Not only my hand but eachothers, somedays i think Aidan would prefer to hold Layla's hand over mine, is he already embarrassed of his mom? They love to get the mail and carry it back proudly as if the mail is for them. Layla loves holding hands with everybody she loves, so when i said alright we need to hold hands, as i reach my hands out and well they grab eachothers hands and walk away from me. I cannot even be upset that they do not want to hold my hand at this moment, because they love and care for each other also that they automatically grab each others hand...very sweet, i had to snap a picture so i can think back to this moment.
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