Thursday, November 04, 2004

Think ~Aretha Franklyn

Thursday. Even though it normally is my favorite day of the week, today it isnt. I had 2 exams back 2 back and studying really took my whole wednesday from me. Last night karen brought home a new member to the family we are creating here. We call him Sir Charles I. Norman is still adjusting to him, i just hope Norman being rather plump doesnt find Sir Charles as a meal. Considering he is an algea eater, he is only an inch long and really slender. Today already exhausted from the 2 exams, i now have to run back to mi casa, fix a meal, drink H2O in order to be hydrated to donate, and then the rest of the day is to math, i have a test tomorrow and about 50 problems to do on a homework assignment before. One lookerupper is i dont have class till 12 tomorrow so i can do my math tonight and in the morning finish that huge paper ive been working on. 7 out of 10 pages done, i only need 2 more sources, cited and whatnot,also reaction to my paper and topic. Then after all of this, next week i get to start on my poster that i have to present with statistics and a writeup on the topic of my choice for dope class. I chose ecstasy/clubdrugs. so ill have to start gathering information on that, whoopie. that is my life so far. oh yes, also it is nice to see that Bush is back in office. Kerry just didnt have the traditional ways and morals that bush has and stands by. guess that is why he lost. adios.

1 comment:

janis said...

I am proud of you! just keep doing your best like you have been and it will all work out :) just think how much knowlege you are getting! and now is the time while your brain is still a sponge soaking it all in, i can just hear it *slurp* couldnt think of the most appropriate sound of a sponge soaking up hehe isnt today i give away day at the donation center? hope you win something!! love you!