Thursday, January 13, 2005

Return Of Kelt Man

Well, i will start out with the good news about today. KeltMan has returned to campus, in full kelt attire. I was amazed of his dedication in wearing the kelt in 15 degree weather with snow resting on the ground still. Oh other good news, Susannah called tonight with the information that i am now going to be employed after the 24th. Yes, only two nights a week, but hey, talking on the phone with people from all over the United States and getting paid, could it get any better? Hopefully i will enjoy it enough to continue working as a caller next fall.
Today other than that was pretty ordinary on how i expect my thursdays to go. i finally put a bee in karens butt to help clean the apartment. I think my lack of sleep over the past 2 weeks has made me develope a complulsive disorder, i just pace around and had to start cleaning.
Tomorrow i am looking forward to sleeping in until 9 since i dont have a 9 o'clock class, oh wait i have to get up at 7 to bring karen to work. sigh. it was a lovely thought at the time. Im not sure there is a whole lot new going on, i am trying to learn japanese by listening to the couple next to me speaking it to eachother. I can't figure out a word, its like a foriegn language to me. Later All.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, a guy wearin a kilt
its like janis, oh wait janis wears a dress, nevermind, and no not you mom, the dude who cross dresses in sb. and i can teach u chinese-piglatin, but not japanese, its like groovy to listen to but man what alot of work, saki.
and hey you get paid for talkin, what a better job for yah. its like wow, and its not like "avon calling" which would get really old really really fast. and wow actually had to clean. i finally had to clean because the leftover refried beans in a dish full of water stunk, yup smelled like methane whoooweee
its like yuck
even the candles didn't deaden the stench
jon was like, man it smells in here and i'm like not till you showed up
but hey thats a different story.
and a bee in karens pants, that'd be funny, unless she's alergic, its like oh no get it out oh cindy arghhhh
i had a teacher who told a story of sittin on a bee, its like ouch, but then i'm like serves her right for makin fun of a pumpin that i colored purple in kindergarten in front of the class. Or of the movie pure luck, he like fills up the whole plane, it looked like a balloon float in the christmas parade. and drivin karen around, it brings back memories of "drivin miss daisy" its so funny, its like your laughin and then your cryin, and then your laughin again so its all good, and susannah hmmm oh susannah oh don't you cry for me, cause i come from alabama with a banjo on my knee. well i better go, glad ur havin fun off at college "my babies all grown up"-mulan. jk you know the dragon talkin about the girl, if not its always a fun disney to rewatch. get over your sniffles there no fun to have. tata for now
in Christ,