Thursday, January 27, 2005

All Things Come Back.

Thursday: Well, today has gone by rather quickly . i only had one class to attend, that being espanol 1020, so i got to take a nap afterwards....i was out till 1130 last night hanging flyers for gary and scotts band that is performaning in wheatland tomorrow night. However, i regret that i probably wont be able to make it down to cheer them on...out of gas, and out of money. plus i have plans of watching the rival game of CSU vs UW on saturday. YAY POKES!
I realized today...that i like the sound pigieons make...its so cute! i was watching mr and mrs. p go for there morning peck on the sidewalks at UW. so tame! Anyway. i had another night at work and i have figured it out, people who hang up, well its just a way to get me back for all the people ive hung up on!! plus why would anyone take that to heart? there is a couple girls who get pretty upset about it and im like honestly have u hung up on some1? they go well yea... however there are nice people out there also who will sit through my speele then say no thankyou. everynight we mail out letters to confirm the donations made, and each caller writes a personal note by there name on the bottom thanking them for their donation, i think that is neat, we also write a note to though who just wanted information....see some fundrasing people are pretty nice! :P its a pretty laid back job...i eat drink beverages(non-alcoholic) and do crosswords,read mags, play cards...nething to pass time while making calls.(so perfessional huh?)
Tonight i was kind enough to whip up a chicken stir fry, i brought half of it to work to eat on break, and left some for hoping she ate it, it was sooo delicious!! there was peppers, some round white things-water chestnuts i think.?...also some brocolli...carrots...some white sticks?....and sauce...yummmmmy....oh and not to forget the rice you can put on top! i enjoyed it thoroughly, i am a good cook when i want to be! other than that...we are out of food...laundry detergent...soap...well lets see it would be quicker to name what were NOT out of lol....ramon noodles and water :P thats it.:D Anyway yall have fun.


Anonymous said...

i bet your mom misses you when your gone.

Anonymous said...

wow a chef, i'm impressed. i figured you only made top ramen and ate out all the time. hang in there, i lost ten bucks about a month ago so 60 is just pocket change.
In Christ,

janis said...

hey i was right, that cute picture you posted of abby WAS worthy of a comment!!

Anonymous said...

feel free to update my blog again anytime! i like your updates better than mine hehehe :) momma