Well, Kendall was able to stay over a week which was not in the original plans, but i sure enjoyed his company, its been hard not having him here every moment. He was able to go to another doctor appointment since they have been weekly, the doctor says it sounds like i am doing great, all my tests from the previous week that he reviewed he said look excellent, couldn't get much better, which is very relieving! We asked him about traveling this weekend for the 4th, im pretty nervous because i want to meet kendall half way which is 3 hours away, but im getting so close to having the babes, i dont want to be that far away! However, good news is i am doing so well this week the doctor says unless i am not feeling well before, to come back in 2 weeks instead of 1. Whew! since everybody had bids that i would be on bedrest at this time, so glad im not, my living arrangements till Aug. are not ideal for babies, or even really me being high risk!
Friday afternoon Kendall and I headed to Guernsey State Park to the resavoir there where we have friends who own a cabin there. Kendall never being there really enjoyed his time and being with his old pals. We both enjoyed the great weather and he got to try wake boarding and jet skiing. I just rode the boat and relaxed as much as i could keeping hydrated so i wouldnt have any more chance of premature labor. I really enjoyed my extra time with Kendall, i would like to think i can go see him again next weekend since his family from AZ will be in town too, but nerves. We will see. Well that is all for now!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Kendalls HERE!
Don't have too much to update except Kendall is visiting and i have been spending as much time as i can with him for the few days he is here :) We went to lake Hadie yesterday, since it sits under a mountain it was beautiful, wish i wouldve brought my camera. We noticed a fire up behind the mountain because of all the smoke and could smell it, and now today it has grown so much that you can see the smoke from town and smell it here...mustve been lightning i am guessing and the winds arent helping! Update more after thursday- that is my next weekly appt. :D
Thursday, June 15, 2006
28 Weeks Checkup
Well, today was my doctors appointment, started at 10:30 and i am now waiting to go get my shot for having - blood type, they are waiting for my glucose to come back through, i already got my blood drawn twice today! The appointment went good, we got another ultra sound, Layla is in the 45th percentile, and weighs in at 2.38 pounds, which Doc said is good for a twin girl! Aidan is in the 52nd percentile and weighs in at 2.5 pounds, which is great too! They are close in weight and size which is very important, they are getting an even amount of nutrition! Doc said they are developing perfectly and are right where they should be. YAY!! We also got a little 4D on a DVD from the ultra sound again, this time Layla you couldnt see well but Aidan had a good picture of his face, i think he has my nose and Kendalls lips :D Amazing how detailed! Since i have been having a few preterm labor contractions daily lately, Doc checked my Cervix, and my dialation was good and not to worry about. Whew, that is a relief, i was worried! And since my cervex dialation is normal my activity level is up to how i feel.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Glider Chair
Well, today Dad and i went garage saling here in town. The very first garage sale we passed i found a glider chair for 20$ and dad asked if we could get it for 15$...DEAL! (i wouldve paid 20 but heck 5 off fine by me!). The chair is in GREAT shape, and has springs to sit on under the pad unlike some that is just a panel and makes it hard. Turns out we bought the chair from some old neighbors who flagged us down by flashing the porch light on and off, the Eastmans.(Amber remember them?) Yet again a successful garage sale day! :D Here is a picture of the chair with Chloe to model the comfort of it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006
The Battle Continues
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Yea Nursery
Well, this past week has been a good one...in finding good buys that is. I found a crib at kmart online for a really good deal, which turns into a daybed, and Kendall having a kmart where he is went and checked it out, liked it and is going to go purchase it within the next couple days, YAY! Just makes me feel relieved that we will have a place to PUT the babies once they come! We also are waiting for a nursery set that comes with a changing table, crib, and dresser, to go on sale again(yea were cheap!) Anyway, if it doesn't we still will go get that, and then we will have all the nursery furniture for alittle over 300$. I also went a little crazy today and found the same crib bedding that we registered for at Target on Ebay. The pictures looked perfect, the description sold it! hehe I bid and won, we ended up getting a matching Comforter, 4 sets of sheets, a crib dust ruffle, bumper bads, a diaper stacker, a hamper, a matching rug, wall art, and 2 window valances. In total by finding this set on ebay we saved $118.73. All we need to buy now is the bumpers for the other crib and a dustruffle to match. Not too shabby! i am getting pretty excited, too bad i cant set it all up until Aug. when we move into the new house! AW! Atleast the babies will have their own room so then it will look very nice all decorated! Here is a picture of what we got:

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Guernsey Reservoir
Yesterday i traveled to Guernsey state park because of some friends of mine and Kendalls, Skylar and Dylan were up at their cabin on the lake celebrating their 25th birthday(Twins, seems knowing Kendall i meet more and more twins). Anyway, it was a lot of fun, Chris, Emily, John, and Katie were all there, and i got to meet Skylar and Dylan's parents who had a lot of twin advice for me which i will keep in mind! Anyway, they live right up the hill from the lake and have 2 jet ski's and a boat, so i went out on the boat with everybody and lived Vicariously through everybody else by convincing firsttimers to go tubing! :) It was a lot of fun, got some sun on me, and the boat was very smooth so i wasn't worried about being jiggled, bumped, and thrown around. The lake there is so pretty, and being able to boat through all of the channels, you get to see alot more then if you were just hiking or driving by. We later went back up to the cabin had dinner, ate cake with the boys, and then us girls hung out on the deck overlooking the lake, watched the sunrise go down and just talked while waiting for the boys to get back from golfing.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Grocery Store Friendliness
Well, i just got back from Safeway, i cannot understand why i ever stopped going there when i moved to Laramie, i had excellent service and all the stock boys, butchers, and anybody who worked throughout the store were so friendly and all smiles and hellos. On top of things it was my first time using my Paywest Card(yes WIC accepted me!!) so i told the checkout lady and she was very helpful and explained everything for me to help out. I was very happy when coming out of there :) Just a thought had to share!
The White T-shirt
Well, lately i have been wearing more and more of Kendall's t-shirts that he has left behind, mainly because they are comfortable and well i can still fit in them! Anyway, i have grown to really like this red lettered Nike one Kendall had because it matches his red shorts i took from him. Anyway, it has taken quite the toll in a few short times of wearing it, everytime i put it on, something seems to catch on the belly area, i have never had this problem because i have never had boobs or a prego belly. Just yesterday i managed to get popcorn butter on the front, tomatoe juice on the front, too tired to care i slept in it and well hold and below this morning it managed to get pizza sauce on it. I got so fed up that i ripped off the darn thing and sat there in my bra and finished eating, think i am going to have to retire that shirt and hide it from Kendall so he doesn't ever see the small stains all over the belly of the shirt...rrrrr!
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