Here are a couple of pictures of Layla and Aidan "enjoying" there new experience of cereal. Ok maybe not, after a few spoon fulls Aidan screamed for about 15 minutes to let it known he did not like this new substance! Tonight he ate a little more and seemed to enjoy it for a wile there, then he had enough. Layla wasnt too pleased, both times, the second time she cried a lot more, but a few bites here in their and they will come to realize, aww, we are supposed to eat this stuff! Notice their new highchair? they are sooo little in it! Also take note of their bibs, they say "If you can read this you're in spit-up range" then on the bottom it says HOOTERS really big, hehe. Oh the picture of Layla smiling? that was BEFORE she was introduced to the cereal!!
1 comment:
awwww I hope they get used to it soon. hey could you send that picture you were trying to send on msn to my email? my msn is too messed up right now.
1 comment:
awwww I hope they get used to it soon. hey could you send that picture you were trying to send on msn to my email? my msn is too messed up right now.
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