Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Wisdom Bites
Monday, January 29, 2007
Look! I have Feet!
Grandpa and Nana!

Saturday, January 27, 2007
Test Your Skills~
Friday, January 26, 2007
Grunting and High Pitches Noises
This afternoon Aidan gets to head home with me to see Nana and Grandpa while i work, i am hoping to get in a 20-25 hours Saturday and Sunday, but it just depends how much work there is for me to do, he hired another person to finish things so i may just be making doors and draws for her to finish, so id much rather do that then finish...soooo boring haha! Layla gets to hang out with Kendall all weekend, Gary and Nikki will be gone alot of it.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Cleanup and Reading
On another note, the developmental lady visited us again today, unfortunetly i was working this time, so next time ill just take off work. Anyway, Kendall filled me in, she said we are doing a great job with Aidan and he is developing good, our next milestone? Sitting on his own! She was also impressed on how quiet our house was, and also how nicely behaved the twins are, she said most houses she visits are chaotic, and us being college students she expected us to be alittle more noisy, awww, were a good family!! She says his neck looks real good, but it seems he is just use to holding his head to that side, it is hard to hold his head when he sleeps, because we cant be there all night, and blankets proping it he moves, so we will have to work on holding it a lot more during the day just so he gets use to holding it right! As for this weekend, Aidan gets to take a trip with me hopefully to work, he will hang out with Grandpa and Nana while i work, hopefully i can get in a good 20+ hours Saturday and Sunday, because it is a good paying job! :D
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Drool Baby!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
5 Months 1 Week Oh Man!
Savings Are Great!!
Just a quick note of happiness, i saved over 350$ by (no not switching to geico) buying my books online at half.com and abebooks.com. Kendall mentioned he saved close to 600$. That is even with us getting speedy shipping! Just a word to those of you who are in college still, ALWAYS check these websites first, campus bookstores are outrageous, and yo
Note: Layla and Aidan enjoying the snug carseat covers, sure keeps them warm with the freezing weather here!