Ok, this isn't the best picture since i used the timer to take it, and we had to leave to get Kendall to work on time, but hey we are all together and you can see the kids' faces! That is pretty dang good for the first and only try at it...:)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Family Picture!
Ok, this isn't the best picture since i used the timer to take it, and we had to leave to get Kendall to work on time, but hey we are all together and you can see the kids' faces! That is pretty dang good for the first and only try at it...:)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Push Me Pull Me!
Here is just a little video of Aidan working on getting some biceps while Layla helps being a his weight...hehe. If you want to see an adorable video of Aidan playing tug-a-war with my mom's chihuahua Abby last weekend go to her website... http://lifewithjanis.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
At the end of the day....
Despite all of the crazy, stressful, and RRR thing's that has been happening this week...i always have two silly toddlers to lift my spirit! Here is Aidan discovering how much fun it is to look at me upside down! hehe. And also an update, my dad found a wheel for me and drove it over along with a new tire last night, so Kendall and him had it put back on and ready to go by the time i got home from work! YAY! Thanks Dad! :D
Monday, September 24, 2007
Made in China Products Harmful AGAIN!
Well,it's official, i am now avoiding to buy any more products made in China if i can do so. (considering 4 out of 5 toys are made in china..RRR!) Anyway, for all of you that consider buying anything from China, ESPECIALLY for children please reconsider or check online to make sure it is not recalled. You have all heard about the lead paint recall in toys, the list growing longer each month, well now they are messing up where babies are sleeping. To top off my wonderful weekend (sarcasm) i here on the news about a crib recall, and guess what...one of the cribs being recalled is Aidan's! His drop gate was installed properly so there is no danger there, this is were young children were getting killed, by the gate pushing out and then getting stuck and suffocated. However, his does have a faulty hardware piece that could cause the gate to just fall and him to fall out of the crib. First thing this morning i ordered the new hardware and now i just have to have 4-6 weeks of precaution and checking his crib daily. Here is the website for anybody who has not heard of this recall or are unsure as to where to check to see if their cribs are in the recall. There is a number to call or the Simplicity website to order it on which i found to be a lot more easier then to listen to an automated voice forever on the phone.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Blow Out!
Ok to start off, always check your tires, if they are low do not drive. With that said here is the story of how i ended my week out of hell. I was headed home to my parents this weekend with the kids to work (the cabinet job i have). ANYWAY, my tire has had a slow leak in it for sometime because of the $#%^^&#@ roofers. If you have been through Sybille Canyon you know that it has many turns, and such. i was just about to where the road narrows when i started hearing an odd noise...i turned down the music to listen, slowed down a bit to about 65, so the truck behind me could pass before the road narrowed and turned. Well, at that moment...THRWAP! My car was turning out of control, i was doing my best to keep it going straight, and braking hard at the same time. I tried to pull off the road even though my car was REAL hard to control it just wanted to pull all the way to the right. The shoulder was gravel so i had to stay on the road till i slowed down a bit more, and finally i veered halfway on to the shoulder(meanwhile in all this chaos i managed to turn on my emergency lights, odd). The shoulder was gravel then a drop off as is most the area around here. I was lucky to get stopped before going off the road, and down, i was also lucky that this didn't happen on one of the corners(100 yards in front of where i stopped). Turns out my front right tire had blown to shreds, leaving only a small portion of the tire attached to my wheel (which is destroyed so now i am stuck here since you can't drive on a donut very far) Luckily the truck who was passing me saw what happened and stopped immediately(God bless him!), jumped out and made sure i was ok, he said he would help me change my tire if i wanted him to and that i was very lucky he thought i was going to go off the road completely since my car is front wheel drive and thats which tire blew. Turns out even the Big O guys where i got my tire were amazed looking at the little piece of shredded rubber left that i was ok and able to control the car...my parents said they talked about it with the guys there about how someone was really watching out for me. I am really thankful that it turned out this way, i can't imagine rolling my car with Layla and Aidan in the back seat, being a two door car its not that big, and i don't know how thing's would have turned out! So now my car is here at my parents with a donut tire, no wheel, a new tire waiting for a wheel, and i cannot make it home. Every place is closed now, and my parents already drove clear to Greeley Colorado and still couldn't fine the right wheel. AW! So hopefully Kendall, Karl, and Gary can pick the kids and i up on their way home so i can begin studying for my exam Monday...Sigh... now we are car-less again...could my week get any worse?!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Aidan's New Groove
Here is a short video of Aidan's new dance moves...the kids love The Backyardigan's and in this show is a lot of singing and music. Here is Aidan dancing to that. Last night is when he started this dance after he "spiked" a toy, kind of like football haha. The kids take after their daddy who loves to dance.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Growing Up.
Ok on to what i am really blogging about. Layla and Aidan are getting big so fast! I brushed their teeth/gums for the first time last night, i first showed them how i do it too, and then sat one at a time on my lap, they were SO good! So good in fact i let them try too...which just resulted in clean tongues hehe. Also, i have been trying to teach them few simple signs, the one Aidan has down real good is food/hungry. So now i am teaching them the poop/potty sign, and Layla tries her best to get it down, I can tell what she is trying to do because she imitates me. Well today while changing her a patted her dirty diaper and asked "what am i doing?" and she did her little sign!!! YAY! It's a start! Another story of growing up is today while cleaning the kids room, they were "trying" to help. I was placing their loved stuffed animals into their crib and noticed Aidan had grabbed a toy and was trying to place it in his crib through the bars. What a sweetie....
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Vedauwoo Fall Pictures
Friday, September 14, 2007
Afternoon Hike
Thursday, September 13, 2007
How My Week Has Been Spent
Well, my week has been pretty busy and hectic so i haven't been able to blog anything really. So through it all, i figured i would just show you guys the more pleasant side of my week and that is the kids being silly, they keep my sane i think through all my homework and work(been training people...BORING!). So hope you enjoy and get a little chuckle out of these two characters! I thought i would end it on a nice little video of sibling play.
Here is Aidan, obviously he is ready for football and is just waiting to hike it to Kendall behind him. I love this picture because he just was sitting like this for a wile so i tossed the football by him and took a quick picture with my phone.
The kids LOVE bubbles, and it always reminds me of Finding Nemo, that one fish who is always excited for the bubbles...hehe, Layla likes to try and catch them, Aidan is more of a taster, he too though likes to touch them.
I was taking pictures of Layla doing something silly, and i then felt Aidan tugging at my shirt, I guess he was feeling left out. So i sat him down and said ok buddy, give me your best smile...well the result is this picture, he wouldn't give me more than just this goofy little grin...i think thats what he is doing?
Ok, this is Layla walking around, do i really need to explain this picture?
Here is what i discovered one day while i was working on my homework, i looked down and this is what i saw...Layla sitting in her toy bucket, content with playing with the toys around her. you can see how deep the bucket is, she is obviously sitting on a lot of toys...can that be comfortable? ??
Lastly i end with this video, a lot of people have mentioned how they have never seen the kids actually "play" together...(we don't count layla taking aidan's toys as playing). This is just a VERY small part of how the kids may play together...i have another video of them screaming and running around the house, another common game. :)

Lastly i end with this video, a lot of people have mentioned how they have never seen the kids actually "play" together...(we don't count layla taking aidan's toys as playing). This is just a VERY small part of how the kids may play together...i have another video of them screaming and running around the house, another common game. :)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Family Time
This weekend I took a trip to see my family, it has been a long time since we all have been together all at once. Always seems like one of us is away somewhere! It was real nice to be able to reminisce about old family jokes, and the silly things we have all done growing up together! :) It will quite sometime before we can all get back together, at least there is phones and internet for communication!
Friday, September 07, 2007
My Alarm Clocks Slept In!
Today was the wrong day for Ms. Layla and Mr. Aidan to choose to let us sleep in! They are usually pretty good at getting up before 8 and occupying themselves by chattering till 8:30, in the process waking us up....WELL although it was nice to sleep in it was the wrong day! Kendall woke up at 8:40, apparently he had turned off his cellphone alarm. So he was late for work and I forgot that the kids had an eye appointment for Infantsee at 9am! AH!!! I have never moved so fast, i fed the kids, changed their diapers, threw on their shoes, some random clothes on me and drove to the Doctors getting there only 5 minutes late! I was pretty proud of that. The Eye doctor went well, the receptionist said the infantsee program here is only up until 6months to get in free, but said to ask the Doctor anyway just in case. Well, i did ask and the Doctor was REAL nice and said no problem...relief! She also dilated their eyes and had me come back a little while later to check again to see if their eyes were equally healthy and stuff like that. So all day they have been walking around with big 'ol pupils, it looks real weird. Everything checked out well, so that was very good to know! :) So i made it a whole morning alone in a Doctors office with two little toddlers walking every which way! hehe.
Oh, i also am picking up 3 more credit hours at school so that will bump me up to 15 hours of school, and still the 16-20hrs at work, which i will begin training employees this coming week. whoohoo...blah. The credit hours i am picking up is actually for psych research with a PhD. Professor i had a few years ago, i will get the opportunity to work with high anxiety patients, it will be GREAT experience and will help me out in the long run if my career goes right!
Oh, i also am picking up 3 more credit hours at school so that will bump me up to 15 hours of school, and still the 16-20hrs at work, which i will begin training employees this coming week. whoohoo...blah. The credit hours i am picking up is actually for psych research with a PhD. Professor i had a few years ago, i will get the opportunity to work with high anxiety patients, it will be GREAT experience and will help me out in the long run if my career goes right!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Walking Towels
Ok i know this video starts out sideways, and is VERY short but hey, I'm no cinematographer! haha, i just wanted to show Layla and Aidan walking with towels on their head, they love for me to place them there, and then they take off walking around with well towels on their head. Silly kids, they won't keep a hat on EVER but heck throw some towels on their head and there you go!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Camp Grace
Saturday after the Cowboys beat Virginia, Kendall and I took the kids up to a family camp that i have been going to since i was a small child. We had a lot of fun, Kendall even won the ping pong tournament and the prize was a gift certificate to pizza hut. :) yum. We ended up staying until Monday morning in a small little cabin, with Karen and Zach in the other side of it.
Here is Kendall and Aidan overlooking the "frog pond" a pond near the camp. This pond is stinky and green, and i think half of my family has been thrown in it at least one time over the years as a camp tradition. yuck!
We had a bonfire Sunday night, singing songs and enjoying the beautiful weather. Later after it was put out Aidan ended up waking up at 4am this morning, this is very strange for him and he continued to cry and scream for quite sometime, we took him outside to rock him under the stars to settle him down, and Kendall noticed that the fire pit was lit up again. Apparently it was still hot enough that when the wind picked up it restarted, a very scary situation since it is so dry up there. My dad put it out, and he said he when he was completely done putting out the rest of the fire for good, he heard Aidan stop crying...was Aidan(means fiery one) warning us? Heh, it's quite the coincidence for sure!
Here is the next generation campers we joke, there were 6 babies all a year or younger, you can see 5 here, the 6th one is sleeping to the right in a stroller. Layla really took to the little 10 month old standing by Aidan.
Here is a story. We brought the baby monitor to carry around so we could hear the kids cry if we were across camp from them. Anyway, yesterday Layla woke up from her nap before Aidan, so i took her and left Kendall with the monitor why he was playing basketball. This is what he told me, he heard some movement over the monitor and was waiting for Aidan to talk when he heard this "Do you want Daddy to get you?" At this point i imagine he panicked. He took off running up the hill to see who the heck was in our cabin getting Aidan claiming to be "daddy!" When he got there, nobody was there. Turns out that another family had a baby monitor also and we had picked up theres. hehe.
At Chapel (we only got to stay for the singing since the kids were real restless) my Dad, Karen, Zach, and our Pastor's daughter Kayla all sang a special, so i had to take a picture of that :)
Just 2 of the 5 wild turkeys that were hanging around. Thought i'd snap a picture of them hehe.
We had a bonfire Sunday night, singing songs and enjoying the beautiful weather. Later after it was put out Aidan ended up waking up at 4am this morning, this is very strange for him and he continued to cry and scream for quite sometime, we took him outside to rock him under the stars to settle him down, and Kendall noticed that the fire pit was lit up again. Apparently it was still hot enough that when the wind picked up it restarted, a very scary situation since it is so dry up there. My dad put it out, and he said he when he was completely done putting out the rest of the fire for good, he heard Aidan stop crying...was Aidan(means fiery one) warning us? Heh, it's quite the coincidence for sure!
Here is a story. We brought the baby monitor to carry around so we could hear the kids cry if we were across camp from them. Anyway, yesterday Layla woke up from her nap before Aidan, so i took her and left Kendall with the monitor why he was playing basketball. This is what he told me, he heard some movement over the monitor and was waiting for Aidan to talk when he heard this "Do you want Daddy to get you?" At this point i imagine he panicked. He took off running up the hill to see who the heck was in our cabin getting Aidan claiming to be "daddy!" When he got there, nobody was there. Turns out that another family had a baby monitor also and we had picked up theres. hehe.
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