Well, my week has been pretty busy and hectic so i haven't been able to blog anything really. So through it all, i figured i would just show you guys the more pleasant side of my week and that is the kids being silly, they keep my sane i think through all my homework and work(been training people...BORING!). So hope you enjoy and get a little chuckle out of these two characters! I thought i would end it on a nice little video of sibling play.
Here is Aidan, obviously he is ready for football and is just waiting to hike it to Kendall behind him. I love this picture because he just was sitting like this for a wile so i tossed the football by him and took a quick picture with my phone.

The kids LOVE bubbles, and it always reminds me of Finding Nemo, that one fish who is always excited for the bubbles...hehe, Layla likes to try and catch them, Aidan is more of a taster, he too though likes to touch them.

I was taking pictures of Layla doing something silly, and i then felt Aidan tugging at my shirt, I guess he was feeling left out. So i sat him down and said ok buddy, give me your best smile...well the result is this picture, he wouldn't give me more than just this goofy little grin...i think thats what he is doing?

Ok, this is Layla walking around, do i really need to explain this picture?

Here is what i discovered one day while i was working on my homework, i looked down and this is what i saw...Layla sitting in her toy bucket, content with playing with the toys around her. you can see how deep the bucket is, she is obviously sitting on a lot of toys...can that be comfortable? ??
Lastly i end with this video, a lot of people have mentioned how they have never seen the kids actually "play" together...(we don't count layla taking aidan's toys as playing). This is just a VERY small part of how the kids may play together...i have another video of them screaming and running around the house, another common game. :)
all these pictures are so cute, but when I got to the video, that just topped it all! how cute seeing them play together and laughing like that!
Aiden looks a bit like Popeye with his little smile! You're kids are adorable - I love checking in to see how much they are growing.
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