Layla and Aidan eating their breakfast nutrigrains while watching their daddy intently as he shaves his face while wearing just a towel. They were amazed by what he was doing.

Layla doing her best "pucker up i am going to give you a kiss" face. When she gives a kiss she full out puckers those little lips, very cute...i actually asked her this morning "Layla, how are you today?" She turns around with her puckered up lips and gave me a kiss...i took that as she is doing great!

Lately, the favorite two syllable word that Aidan enjoys to say the most is "apple" he says it perfectly. Layla enjoys talking about "Mickey" (mickey mouse), always kissing him, "rock" ing him and dancing with him.Here he is admiring a piece of apple before he bites into it. These kids are going to never go to the doctor if "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is true, haha!

Layla really enjoys coloring, she is pretty good about not sucking on the crayons. Aidan on the other hand tries to eat the crayons before coloring, during coloring and after. He also was caught tearing his paper up and eating it...i guess he isn't the artist of the family at this moment. Most the crayons we have contain small teeth marks. Must get the crayon eating from his Uncle Brian ;)

The kids love going into our room, it is like an undiscovered treasure land...their little hands grab everything they can reach, pull open drawers, and pick up hangers to clack together. Here is Aidan demonstrating how to clack hangers together. Notice his sock missing? He lost that while jumping on our air bed...and Kendall gets mad when he finds my socks under the covers...

Again, they love to jump on the air bed, they giggle and dive face first into the covers and pillows. We literally have to lay them in the hall screaming and crying because they throw fits because they do not want to leave this wonderful place.

Here is Aidan being a total sweet heart. He just clasped his arms around my leg and held on with the biggest hug. One of my favorite pictures! When he wants to be, he can be the best little cuddler ever! Notice they are now finally dressed for day! I chose this shirt because it matched the one Kendall wore to work! :)

Bubble chasers...the kids really enjoy trying to touch and pop bubbles. They go absolutely crazy!

All of this before their nap at 1! Here is my sweet little boy asleep wrapped up in his favorite Christmas blanket which has become an "eeyore" to him, he does not go anywhere without it. Reminds me of Linus from Peanuts, and myself, i use to drag around a pillowcase that i was in love with, still have it too even though it is completely faded, torn up and permanently stained from who knows what!

Sweet baby girl Layla has been sleeping on her face a lot lately. She loves having her "friends" (stuffed animals or babies) in her crib, she wakes up and plays/talks to them until we come and get her. Look what she is holding on to that is peeking over her shoulder? Yep, her Eeyore. Aidan on the other hand throws most of the animals that i put in there, or he will pass them over to Layla who wants them.

Here is Aidan with gel in his hair, before i could grab the camera he still messed it up a bit, but hey it still was pretty cute since Kendall puts gel in his hair also...just like daddy!

Layla wasn't as enthused with getting pig tails in her hair...but they are oh so cute when they are in!

Here is a daily activity, watching students walk by to class, they will point and get real excited. They also like it when the mail lady comes to the door with our mail, she always waves at them. I will ask them what else they see outside and the reply s? "tree, truck, car, and house". We have had these awful crows hanging around lately, they seem to get into our trash constantly, so i am that crazy neighbor woman that runs outside with her child's plastic golf club to chase them away. Sometimes i let them be if they are not in the trash but just hopping around the yard so the kids can yell "bird" over and over.

Emily got us this adorable little cup full of candy and confetti with a fish on top for Valentine's day. After the kids shook it down from on top of the TV i was afraid that the glass cup would fall and hit them next time so i put it in our room and forgot about it. For about 2 days, Layla periodically throughout the day would repeat "fish" and then smack her lips like a fish and knock on our door. We were confused as to why she was so sure a fish was in our room. Finally i opened the door, she ran in and pointed strait to the fish on top of the cup....what a memory!! So, that is how this fish came about, she now asks for me to take it down from on top of the TV to give it a "kiss".

Well, the day ends here at an afternoon movie, if it was up to the kids they would watch baby Einstein or Cars...yes they loooooooooove the movie cars, that is what they are watching here, and by the looks of Layla's face it must be a mouth dropping part. The rest of the day is playing and going to bed with a bath and bottle. I am usually at work so i miss this for 4 of the 7 days of the week.