The night before i had promised the girls that i would play Barbie's with them, i didn't mind, i use to always play Barbie growing up when i was inside...of course i never let any of my guy friends know since i was a pretty big Tom boy. Karen and i had just as many Barbie things as Ashlyn and Emily, crazy how a doll can still be so popular, along with those Bratz dolls now? Anyway we had a lot of fun, my "playing" consisted of dressing the many naked Barbies that were just thrown in their Barbie tub...yes it does bother me now i guess? You can see Layla is playing with us girls too, Aidan was for a bit, but by the looks of this picture he is throwing his hands up in the air as to say "what is so cool about a bunch of dolls???"

Ashlyn must have changed her mind about me not being cool as Layla, because today she dressed like me as close as she could! Emily wanted to wear a jean skirt too, so here are the "triplets" posing together for a picture...aren't we just darling? :)

Many people do not know but Kendall isn't actually a complete Nebrasken (Thankgoodness...JK!) He was actually born in Chandler AZ and lived there for the first few years of his life, maybe this is why he loves the heat so much? Who knows, but we were able to drive over and get a picture of Kendall's first house, pretty neat. He doesn't remember it too much but it is still special to have a picture, and to know it is still there! My first house my parents still live in, so i really don't have to worry about that yet, although this house we are renting right now will always be special since Layla and Aidan lived here their first 2 years, however, i imagine in the next 5 years the University will have bought all the houses near here and bulldozed them to use the land for their own use. I have made sure to take a picture to show them when they are older in case anything does happen, and just to have. Yea i am a nerd like that.

After we visited the house and ate lunch at a pretty good Mexican food restaurant, we headed to a nearby farm with a petting zoo. The train wasn't running at this time so that was a little disappointing, but the kids didn't even know, they had a blast petting the animals (looking at them in Layla's case) . Aidan ran right up to the goats and stuck his fingers through the fence, they just nibbled, luckily they are use to hundreds of people sticking their hands through and do not bite. I guess it IS a petting zoo, biting animals wouldn't be a plus. Kendall and i snickered how we went to 2 petting zoo's for the kids, and it is all animals that we see almost on a daily bases here, drive to west of town and people actually have these animals in their yards. :) The kids still loved it, Layla got to see a little sad looking Donkey, so i tried to explain that is what Eeyore looks like if he was a real animal.

This was pretty neat, it was the loading shoot for the goats, but at the end of it there was a slide, that took you right into the pen with the goats so you could really interact with them. Of course Layla and Aidan weren't allowed in with these goats since they were pretty active, but Layla did enjoy dragging her daddy to the top of the slide to look down and point at the goats below.

Future train Engineers in the making? The kids loved this little wooden train that was pretty long. They would crawl in and out, or ring the bell on the front over and over. There were some peacocks straight in front of it so when the kids would fuss or be cranky (it was pretty hot and it had been a long day) the male got protective and flung out his beautiful feathers...i guess kids crying do make pretty things now and then!

Here is my second Engineer, hehe. Very cute, she really enjoyed the train, but i decided it was time to go when she fell underneath the train and got her leg stuck...how i do not know, because it was a whole lot harder getting her OUT then how easy her leg slid underneath. Our kids are pretty predictable when they are tired, besides fussiness, they often cannot walk, run, or just move properly anymore, they become extremely clumsy, bumping, falling, and tripping on everything possible...i guess they get so tired they can't think!
1 comment:
You look like one of the kids playing with the Barbies, thats funny with Aidan throwing his hands up to the whole Barbie playing, reminds me of the time when there was a naked Barbie lying on the table in one of our pictures of a birthday party. remember it? Brian kept saying get it away or something haha ...that is really cute with you girls all dressed alike! You are still the popular one:) glad you took lots of pics, I cant wait for day 4 now....
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