The kids got to go to yet another petting zoo, this one depressed me a little bit, because most the goats seemed tranquilized or drugged up because they just laid there so the kids could pet them. Sad. Aidan here is trying to show Layla how to pet the goats, however, she was more interested in this rejected goat that was off in its own little corner. The only thing was this goat did not want anything to do with Layla, he kept walking away from her when she approached him, and he would proceed to go chew on a metal broom...little odd. Leave it to Layla to find the outcast goat to chase around.

Can you find the tiger in this picture? :) Since this zoo takes in rescued animals, many of the big cats are not allowed to be out together. They pick and choose which one will be out in the exhibit alone since they tend to fight otherwise. It was nice to be able to support a zoo that actually reaches out to help rescued animals that will not be able to go to any other zoo since they do not get along well with others.

I just like this picture because the one Rhino raised his head to look straight at me, the funny thing about this zoo however is they had a raccoon habitat...those dang things get into our garbage here in town...hehe, i guess they aren't everywhere!

Taking a break with crackers and water. The kids were annoyed they had to be in the cart most the time, but when we gave them the chance to walk around they refused to hold our hands and tried to run off, so this is how it had to be till they learn.

My Aunt Kay is who brought us to the zoo, before we went to the zoo we met her at an Irish pub restaurant, Rula Bula, it was pretty good, and a neat atmosphere. It was really nice to be able to visit some of my family, since most live so far away, plus it is the first extended family that Layla, Aidan, and Kendall have met on my side. So that meant a lot to me too. We had a good time, and afterwards drove to where my cousin Doug works to say a quick hello. Here she is showing Layla the turkeys.

Well, here is a family picture from the trip! :) I told Kendall i wanted a picture in front of a cactus and well he finally gave in when we found one at the zoo. The kids of course are not looking at the camera as usual when we are all together, but hey, we are all together. What a nice looking family :)

Again, here is Layla, Aidan, and I with my Aunt Kay. I am glad we got some pictures together. She will be headed up to this area in May, where my cousin is Graduating. I hope i can make it too, but just will have to see what comes up.

Aidan looking serious as he sits on the lion on his first carousal ride. He was unsure of it at first since #1 he was very tired and hot, and #2 it took about 5 minutes before they even started it, and my kids are not the most patient. But once it started going, they both didn't want to get off when we had to, Layla clung to her Giraffe saying "noooo" in that scratchy, winy tone. I guess we will have to find a nearby carousal for them!

Layla giving a nice wave to my Aunt Kay as she rides by on her Giraffe. She absolutely loved it, she kept on petting the giraffe softly on the neck, i wonder if she thought it was alive like the ones we had just seen?

After a long day at the zoo, the kids came home to play with their cousins before going to bed. Here they are with the doll house that their Aunt Nichole gave to them, that used to be Ashlyn and Emily's...they LOVe it. Emily is showing them the house.
Hmmm...there is a carousel at the zoo in Denver...where your big sis can get you in for free...hint...hint ;-)
Is the tiger way up in that tree?
yea we need to take them to the zoo...i figure we could borrow your stroller and 2 could ride in your wagon? figure something out!! they loved it. And yes mom the tiger is way up in the tree...i have a video of him jumping down.
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