Well, this is the final day post of our vacation. On our way home we stayed in Albuquerque at a Casino called Route 66, it was really nice, and the kids really liked staring at all the bright lights. I am sure they were REALLY freaked out when we woke them up at 12:30 am to take them inside this flashy place, and someone took our car away (free valet). But they took it in stride and fell right asleep once we had the pack-in-plays set up. Kendall went downstairs to lose some money, and then i proceeded to do that in the morning before we left....awww fun.

Aidan and Layla tearing apart the real nice basket of goodies they got. Really cool, they loved it. I am still slowly feeding them their Easter candy, keeping it to a minimum daily, lucky for me they can't really beg for it unless they see it...tend to forget.

Emily and Ashyln posing for the camera with a few of the Easter basket goodies! They are such silly little girls, i am real glad the kids got to know them better. I always wished i could've know my cousins more, but they were always so far away!

Layla pulling out an egg from the lawn chair, she really took the to the Easter egg hunting, she knew to pick up the eggs and place them in the basket she was carrying around oh so proudly! Aidan on the other hand....

He figured out how to drop the plasic eggs on the cement to break them open, then he would sit there and pick up the jelly beans one by one to eat them. When he found a hard boiled egg, he would shake it, drop it, nothing would happen so he would move on to the next egg. What a silly boy! He wouldn't carry a basket either, didn't need to since he was eating as he went!

He did enjoy finding the eggs though, with a little coaxing on my part of where to look, such as under the patio furniture.

Here is Layla admiring her basket full of eggs (i would put Aidan's eggs in there too, the ones he didn't break immediately). She was pretty good at carrying that basket, at one point she was carrying two baskets around the house proudly. They looove jelly beans, so i give them those periodically to encourage their good behavior, if they are being very nice. Otherwise they just don't get any candy at all.
The trip was fun, i am so thankful we were able to go, make it, have a great time and we all made it back in one piece (minus Layla's first scrapped knees!). It was a wonderful first vacation, and i am sure the kids enjoyed themselves too, but the relief they had when they were home i am sure was nice too. They took looong naps and slept in an extra hour on Tuesday morning after we got back late Monday...so now lets see, it is snowing about 4 inches on the ground already, i think now is the time they may really miss the warmth!
Awwww, your little ones are precious!!! :)
I loved your vacation day by day posts! :)
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