Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday Weigh In

With the beginning of the new year, it seems that every year one of the top New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. I had never really had a worry or concern about my body, weight, or eating healthy at that until after i had Layla and Aidan. It really took a tole on my body, mostly in my stomach area, being 110lbs when i got pregnant with twins, i didn't really have anywhere for them to grow but out...WAY out. My stomach is now no longer nice and firm like it once was 3 years ago, it is now full of excess skin and love handles. That is what i want to get rid of the most, if it is cutting back to eating healthier then so be it, i am ready to be able to feel like i am in my own body and not someone else's. I am always tired, feeling worn down, and hungry. I want to change that by eating right, by working out with what i have to boost my energy, boost my metabolism, and replace the fat i have gained into toned muscle. I am 23 years old, and feel that i should not be this out of shape.

So here is the deal, the plan, the idea that i am not only going to throw out there but encourage and plead that many of you will join me in. The more people i have around me that is working on their own health will encourage and motivate me more, and you all more.

I am going to set weekly goals, that lead to an overall 3 months reflection of how close or far away i am from reaching that 3 month goal. I feel that weekly is the best way for my lifestyle because things do happen, illness, vacations, work, weather, whatever may alter that particular week of workouts and eating right. I am going to build on each week, adding or subtracting the things that are working best and those that are just wasting my time.

So here is the start of Weekly Wednesday Weigh In.

3 Month Goal
Here is my main goal that my weekly goals i am hoping will lead to:
Right now i am 20 pounds over what i was when i got pregnant, what was a healthy weight for my body type. So my goal in this next 3 months is to lose 15 of that extra weight while toning and strengthening my muscles. That is 5 pounds a month, and with gaining muscle i figure that will be the extra 5 or so be it as long as i look and feel healthy again.

Weekly Goal
So here is my smaller goal for this week.
Jog/fast paced walking 2 times this week. I figure with 20 degree weather at 730am, why not? i am outside with the dog anyway, anything below that i will have to substitute something else...but this week is supposed to stay a little warmer in the 30s so if i get it out of the way fine.
Ab workouts on the iron gym bar 3x this week, 3 sets of 5 each. I know i am a pussy but i can't do a pullup on the dang thing but i can do the ab workouts so that i will do.
15 lunges 2x this week.

As for eating well, i am continuing to cut out pop. I am going to aim to drink 5 pint glasses of water daily and increase that as much as possible. I am going to have 3 meals a day, and not fill my plate to over indulge. I am going to have a leeway of 2 small snacks such as crackers, an apple, or string cheese for examples. The most hard one for me? I am going to work on not eating after 8pm, if i am hungry? Water and juice will have to do.

So, what i want from those who will help me out, is to comment your goals, weekly goals what not. Something you feel comfortable with enough to encourage others to do and read back on for next week to comment how you have been doing, good or bad. I don't care if it's situps, eating right, or just cutting out pizza or playing Wii fit...whatever it may be its a step toward the right direction. I guess this can be seen as a little support group to spill how good your own goals have been going or how its been rough.

Ok. Lets do this.


janis said...

I have a hard time not eating late into the evening. Since I like staying up late its difficult not to eat...I have heard its best not to eat much after 7 or 8 pm so this will be a challenge for me. I will also need to find something to fill me but not put weight on at these times...My biggest goal is to start exercising again daily. I need to walk on my treadmill for at least 30 minutes a day. Morning is best for me because I have found that if I put it off, I will keep putting it off all day and it wont get done. I want to also ride my exercise bike. And on nice days my real bike outside 3 times or more a week. I need to lose at least 30 to 35 pounds to get to what I should be for my height and build. Walking my dogs would also be a great thing to start up again as would the p.t. center here. But my problem is motivation. I hope this blog will get me motivated! I really think that is almost everyones problem, motivation, its easier to just watch t.v. or relax here on the computer. So lets get going girls!! Help each other stay motivated!

Karen and Zach said...

I think this is a great idea. Zach, Jeremy and I plan to get a swimming laps plan least twice a week at the rec center. We also need to set up our WII fit and actually use it. I would also like to walk on nicer days if possible. I also need to drastically change my eating. I have a much bigger goal than you guys, and I know it is dreaming, but eventually I want to get back to my college weight, which is also about right for my body frame. In order to do this, I need to lose 60 pounds!!!

Anonymous said...

I rode my exercise bike yesterday and today :)30 min. each time

Anonymous said...

Alright, so I am starting late...but my goal this week is to work with our new Wii fit (purchased this afternoon) for 15-20 minutes at least 5 out of the 7 days. Starting today. :)

Cindy Loo said...

Better late than i feel left out to not have a wii fit!